Recent content by virginia-hell

  1. V

    Locker Room #19: Danny/Carmine--Everyone's Favorite Danny-in-Distress

    Re: Locker Room #19: Danny/Carmine--Everyone's Favorite Danny-in-Distr Unbelieveable! Poor Carmine..:confused:
  2. V

    Who is your least favorite character?

    Aye! And this storyline with Hawkes finally getting a girlfriend? High-larious! The man comes across as completely asexual to me!
  3. V

    Locker Room #19: Danny/Carmine--Everyone's Favorite Danny-in-Distress

    Re: Locker Room #19: Danny/Carmine--Everyone's Favorite Danny-in-Distr Huh! I though Hill Harper tweeted Carmine was married? And he wouldn't lie cuz he's terribly religious or summit...:confused: :lol: Maybe the lovely Vanessa is a tad forgetful. Heaven knows, i would totally forget...
  4. V

    How would you fix CSI: NY?

    The characters all look knackered (hi Danny Messer!) - please slip 'em a few Ambiens over the break. Speaking of Danny, why has he been totally de-sexified? Can't married men with kids be sexy? I point you in the direction of David Beckham..:lol: More animosity and less of a love-in between the...
  5. V

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Thanks for posting the interview Faylinn :) - but what the heck does "I have a little bee that keeps me eating healthy..." mean? Is that an L.A. colloquialism or what? All said, he come across as a pretty sweet, funny guy...;).
  6. V

    Who would be your ideal guest(s) on NY?

    Christopher Walken, Gary Oldman, Dennis Hopper (circa Blue Velvet) < best snap him up quick, before, you know...:(...
  7. V

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    Awesome! (or sorted, innit! - as we say here) - I have invoked a reply from the Legend that is La Guera!! You're right -we aren't playing Top That Blunder (sounds exciting though) and even though i do like Flack (he could be Dexter but remorseful) - i was just kinda :eek: :eek: when he rounded...
  8. V

    CSI: NY Season 6 Spoiler Discussion - Bright Lights, Big City

    The back-and-forth about Danny not reporting his nicked badge has me a little bemused.'s not like he stared down the barrel of his gun and coldly murdered a suspect. So, the real story (imho)... the blooming cheek of Flack, of all people, to get uppity with him for it :wtf:.
  9. V

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Ack! So Carmine is writing an episode..? Dunno how i feel about that cuz Melina's effort was a pile of self-serving shi..crap :eek:. It will probably be safer if he stays away from the always contentious personal history stuff and sticks to a straightforward catch the crim episode. But please...
  10. V

    Season 6 Ratings

    I've not seen S6 but the episodes for a while have seemed to vere from worthy/ preachy and self-satisfied (Hi Hawkes in 'The Party's Over'. Hi Mac in just about everything!) to frankly bizarre teenage boy fantasy stuff like the 'Second life' arc. Only the occasional quality episode (in terms of...
  11. V

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    God! Carmine looks really thin here...but he still knows how to fill out his trousers i see. Blimey :eek: :drool:
  12. V

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Soz, can't remember all the details but in a nutshell: Her live-in lover 'Frank' called the Playgirl and Carmine huge skanks for gittin' it on the night they met. (I know! Quelle horreur! Casual sexing in Hollywoodland :eek: - not sure thats been done before..) Several explicit and...
  13. V

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    ^^ Loving all these rumours, gossip, speculation...;) Good times.. Here's some more to add to the mix (from early last year..) A certain Mr G 'allegedly' got together with Ms AJ Alexander (Playmate and Hef chum). She's gorgeous and her partner thought so too. Which could explain the nasty and...
  14. V

    Locker Room #18: Danny/Carmine: Welcome to the Insane Asylum!

    Carmine went there? Really? She looks well seedy...and kinda like a rubber doll, sorry, silicone...