Wow I have not been here in the longest time.
+I really like how the flower is in the center. Good position.
-Like you said its blurry when it gets big, but when its small it looks good.
Here's a picture I took from a concert I went to last week.
The band is Between The Trees
When I first read this I was shocked. All the recent drama with Gary and now this. The franchise is looking really bad on their part because all of their recent drama has been with african-American actors. In my opinion it would be really messed up if they gave the new actor more screen time...
Wow that_chick11 is a real bitch to start that rumor. :lol: This post had me from laughing to scared and all jittery in one. Ah! Lori is just psycho. :wtf:
I remember that ketchup! I don't see it anymore in the shelfs though. But it was weird and I think it tasted differently.
You make me crack up every time I read Geni!
My best friend gave me a hermit crab for my birthday. I think that the crab is weird because sometimes it would just go to a corner of the cage and stay inside the shell and not move. I get scared and think that its dead. :rolleyes:
I wanted a hamster but my mom said that it was mouse like so...
Re: Supernatural #2
Jared got engaged with his girlfriend of many years Sandy McCoy.
I was disappointed when I first read this but now I am happy for them. :)
These are the leftover thread titles. I don't know if anyone would want to use them.
- Coming Soon To An Illegal DVD
- As Foretold by Nostradamus
- 80% Hotness By Volume
- It Just Won't Stay Dead