I also really enjoyed this episode.
I found it interesting, and a bit disturbing that Ecklie seems to want DB to change everyone on grave. I am glad that DB said he didn't want to lose Nick.
And not only that, he had Wolfe holding the guy down! So at the rate H is going, he's going to be taking his whole team down with him! Except maybe Walter. I think Walter is a bit too niave to help H with anything like that.
I too am a huge Nick fan, but I totally agreed with Vartann. That's Nick. That IS his character. :) I had to laugh when Vartann said it.
I thought the episode was a bit anticlimatic, after what I thought they were going to build up to in the previews. I thought they were actually going to...
I'm pretty sure I've heard of the series, but I haven't read any of them.
I'm sure someone will come up with something for the guys with this episode, and I will read it. I just won't be doing anything with it because in my verse, the guys aren't the type to experiment. :cardie:
What upset me even more than Greg kissing Ellen was the fact that Nick was pushing him towards her! I will NOT be writing a post ep for this one, and it will NEVER be mentioned in any of my stories or future post eps. To me, this episode did not happen!
Okay, rant done. :)
I'm not sure about the story behind the different rings, but I think the ring itself is George's. If you look at all the interview photos, he has it on.
I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who noticed those nearly identical shirts. Was there a sale on at the store that day, so wardrobe thought what the heck? :guffaw: