Recent content by Laci Caine

  1. Laci Caine

    CSI Miami Sites

    (First, this is my first post in oh.... I don't know... forever? lol) Secondly, I just want to plug my role playing board for CSI Miami (Though, I'm sure with enough prodding (no cattle prods please! :) ) I'll allow characters from the other two shows.) So, without further ado, here's the...
  2. Laci Caine

    *New* How old are all CSI fans?

    I'd fit into the 21-30 option. Being that I'm 23. o.o;
  3. Laci Caine

    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only! I found the cap that I was looking for and I figure that if someone else wanted to use it, its from 'Forced Entry' and the direct link to the image is here.
  4. Laci Caine

    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only! Thanks. But that's not the one. I don't even remember what ep its from. As I know that would certainly help things. What I do remember is it was a dark cap, and I think he was in the lab. If that helps any.
  5. Laci Caine

    Screencaps, Fonts, & More! - Request Thread

    Re: Special Screencaps - Requests and Offers Only! Hi... I'm looking for a particular cap. I've seen it before, and its of Speed sort of making a kissy face. I'm making an icon for a friend, and I'm looking for it. Thanks!
  6. Laci Caine

    Essay title

    I actually like that one. But I do agree with the person that brought up the passion one.
  7. Laci Caine


    Wow... glad to see that I'm not the only one watching and enjoying this show. While I have to think that its a copy of Forever Knight, I still love it. :) Its different from the CSI shows, and tonights episode was alot better then last weeks. XD
  8. Laci Caine

    Member Qualifications

    I'm currently in college right now. Majoring in Crime Scene Investigation. I've got two and a half years left until I'm finished with the schooling part of it.
  9. Laci Caine

    CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut I definitely agree with this. It just wouldn't work... maybe its just me, but I really don't like the idea. However, with everything else planned, its the only thing that is sort of... rubbing me the wrong way to sort of speak. Also...
  10. Laci Caine

    Horatio/DC # 13: Missing: The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP!

    Re: Horatio/DC#13: Missing The 'Real' H. Please Return ASAP! Okay, I have a strange request... I've been Googling for over two hours about this, and it totally escapes me about what episode this is, but I need to find out. Its of Horatio yelling Miami Dade Police, then there are shots fired (I...
  11. Laci Caine

    Cake, Candles & Confetti ~ Birthday Thread #3

    Thanks, CSI_Dani :)
  12. Laci Caine


    Wow, I really hope that they don't cancel this show. I think that if they were able to move it, timeslot wise it may work. I got hooked after seeing the first episode and have only missed two or three episodes since then. The previews for the finale look intense, so I'm hoping its as good as...
  13. Laci Caine

    CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caution!

    Re: CSI: Miami Season 5 **Spoiler Lab** #2-Proceed With Caut I think, that it was Horatio that called in the 'Officer down' thing. I know his voice, and that clearly sounded like him. Although, I get the distinct feeling we're being mislead. I don't know why I do, but that's how I'm feeling...
  14. Laci Caine

    Marisol Delko/ Alana De LA Garza *SPOILERS*

    Re: Marisol Delko/Alana de la Garza - Bring Her Back Can you just hang it up please? Alot of people did NOT like her character and the role that she played last season. She's not coming back.
  15. Laci Caine

    Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Thread

    Re: Horatio/DC #12: Miami Never Closes. Neither Does This Th Oh, okay. Now I understand. But no, there's no such thing as a bad picture of Horatio. :lol: