Member Qualifications


Since this is a forensic science forum, i'm curious as to who of us are professionally working in fields of forensics, who are studying forensics, or who is simply interested in the field.

So what's your background?
I have just entered a quite different career path, working for a pharmaceutical company. How about everyone else?
I've voted for "Other science field", because I'm still in vocational training as a lab assistant (one year left). I work for the Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food, (sounds great doesn't it? :D) so we analyse different kinds of food. Our institute deals with cereals, potatoes and starch. Quite interesting, but next year I want to go to university to study chemistry, dunno yet what kind exactly, there are so many opportunities... Forensics would definitely be interesting, I just don't want to end uo with some boring routine job... we'll see...
I chose "Just interested" because that's just my case.

I am still on grade 9 so I don't work or have chosen a specific area to study in college or something. To be honest I am completely clueless about what I would like to do in the future, as a job :confused: I definitely am interested in forensics, but I don't know. The fact that it fascinates me doesn't mean I would be good at it (I think this about like every field so yeah :p) But I would definitely love to do lab work, either on forensics or not. So that's it, for now it's a "Just interested"
^^ Same. I found the tupperware box labeled "DNA"... I couldn't stop smiling :D I'm very interested in chemistry (my science teacher is AWESOME) and I've been working in the lab every day for the last five days. Technically right now I am a student/webpage designer. :p
I put "Other" because I'm technically not a forensics student yet. I am graduating from high school in May and, as of right now, I plan on becoming a Forensic Biologist. My state's university has "the largest internship program in the US; the largest crime scene house training complex in the world, and the only forensic garage for student training in the world.", so I'm really excited!
speedymeg25, and WVU also has a pretty good football team, but that is getting off topic. Marshall University also has a forensics program, too. Unfortunately, when I was in high school back in the late 60's, I did not have a good counselor. So I had to also vote "just interested."
I'm an archaeologist, so I have actually found a few dead people. Sometimes I can feel a connection with a forensic team, because of the methods involved. We also photograph, take samples, document and so on. But it is of course quite a big difference too; the time. :)
Way! I'm the first forensics student lol. No one else? I'm just a first year, it's still fresher's week too, no proper lectures or anything yet. :p
I put Just Interested. I went through a phase were I was obsessed with being a CSI, ahaha.

But forensics really does interest me. I'm thinking about going to this university and it offers this forensics course and I really want to take it. But whatever, I'm only in gr. 10. :p
Haha, I know what you mean, sandersidle.

I was really interested in forensic pathology for awhile... But I did some background research on it and found out that after high school, you need like, 15+ years to finally become one. And I was like, wow, that's a lot of school...

I'm still really interested in all the forensic and CSIy type things... But I don't really know if I'm interested in it as an actual career for myself.
I'm just an unrelated student. Although I was just scanning the courses at our local uni the other day, and they have such a good looking course, policing and criminology, including forensics and crime scene investigating, so if that was there 2 years ago when i applied for uni, i'm sure i'd be doing something interesting like that, instead of business at a *better* uni!! O well... (I'm bitter :) )
I'm currently in college right now. Majoring in Crime Scene Investigation. I've got two and a half years left until I'm finished with the schooling part of it.