Recent content by GuelphGal

  1. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    Either I'm blind or I keep getting distracted by....the fruit basket...yes...that's it... Thank you! I like it too, lol!
  2. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    First, yummy pictures. I almost needed a cold shower after that scene. Second, where is this mysterious silver thing that everyone is talkng about?? Lol!
  3. GuelphGal

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    I haven't ordered from them before but I know others who have and haven't had any problems. ETA: There are sample clips of all the songs if you want to check them out and apparently the mp3 version of the EP is already available which I found out when I tried to order it and it worked, lol!
  4. GuelphGal

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Excellent! You'll have fun for sure. My friends and I will be there on the 29th, oddly in the same seats as last time, lol!
  5. GuelphGal

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    catey1234, I've seen them twice and they are fantastic! I even dragged my friends with me the last time and they are all going back this year! Are you seeing them in Niagara Falls? If so, I know that cameras are not allowed however some people have managed to get a few pictures and we got a...
  6. GuelphGal

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

    WhosLaughingNow, I LOVE your avatar. It's hilarious! I always wondered what that face reminded me of, lol!
  7. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Is that whipped cream Carmine is holding? *cough* ;)
  8. GuelphGal

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    You should put that on a t-shirt! :D
  9. GuelphGal

    Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

    Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister. The Larry King episode was supposed to be a repeat of when he was last on I believe, however when I tuned in to it, Larry was interviewing American Idol finalists instead.
  10. GuelphGal

    Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

    I just saw on Oprah's site that Hill will be on Thursday's episode. :)
  11. GuelphGal


    I was wondering if anyone from the saturday show remembers Jeff singing to the girl in the front row. I would like to know what song he was singing because my friends and I can't remember at all and it's bugging me. Also, if anyone who has ever been to a show could rhyme off all the songs they...
  12. GuelphGal


    I was at the show last night and had an amazing time! We were right up front on the right side and had a blast dancing in our chairs which got quite a few looks/smiles from Gary, which to be honest, freaked me out, lol!! One of my friends was serenaded by Jeff :) I'm still trying to get over the...
  13. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

    I saw that during CSI: NY last week. For months every time they play the Gary one I say they should do a new one with Carmine. I nearly fell off the bed when he came on last week! Heh heh, that almost sounds kinky... :devil:
  14. GuelphGal

    CSI:NY:Season 2 DVD

    So, why did no one tell me it wasn't out in Canada til Nov. 7th? I was all excited til I got to HMV and discovered it isn't out yet :( Cruel people!! It's weird though cause usually things come out here the same time as the U.S. and from what i saw on the HMV/Amazon site the cover art is...
  15. GuelphGal

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    I would love to see that. We should demand they replay it! :)