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  1. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    Either I'm blind or I keep getting distracted by....the fruit basket...yes...that's it... Thank you! I like it too, lol!
  2. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #17: Danny/Carmine: Our Utility Guy

    First, yummy pictures. I almost needed a cold shower after that scene. Second, where is this mysterious silver thing that everyone is talkng about?? Lol!
  3. GuelphGal

    Carmine-What is Cessau?

    I haven't ordered from them before but I know others who have and haven't had any problems. ETA: There are sample clips of all the songs if you want to check them out and apparently the mp3 version of the EP is already available which I found out when I tried to order it and it worked, lol!
  4. GuelphGal

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    Excellent! You'll have fun for sure. My friends and I will be there on the 29th, oddly in the same seats as last time, lol!
  5. GuelphGal

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    catey1234, I've seen them twice and they are fantastic! I even dragged my friends with me the last time and they are all going back this year! Are you seeing them in Niagara Falls? If so, I know that cameras are not allowed however some people have managed to get a few pictures and we got a...
  6. GuelphGal

    CSI:NY Season 4 Spoilers--Get 'Em In A New York Minute

    WhosLaughingNow, I LOVE your avatar. It's hilarious! I always wondered what that face reminded me of, lol!
  7. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #16: Carmine - The Whore Of The Show

    Is that whipped cream Carmine is holding? *cough* ;)
  8. GuelphGal

    Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

    You should put that on a t-shirt! :D
  9. GuelphGal

    Gary #3 Mr. Sinister.

    Re: Gary # 3 Mr. Sinister. The Larry King episode was supposed to be a repeat of when he was last on I believe, however when I tuned in to it, Larry was interviewing American Idol finalists instead.
  10. GuelphGal

    Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

    I just saw on Oprah's site that Hill will be on Thursday's episode. :)
  11. GuelphGal


    I was wondering if anyone from the saturday show remembers Jeff singing to the girl in the front row. I would like to know what song he was singing because my friends and I can't remember at all and it's bugging me. Also, if anyone who has ever been to a show could rhyme off all the songs they...
  12. GuelphGal


    I was at the show last night and had an amazing time! We were right up front on the right side and had a blast dancing in our chairs which got quite a few looks/smiles from Gary, which to be honest, freaked me out, lol!! One of my friends was serenaded by Jeff :) I'm still trying to get over the...
  13. GuelphGal

    Locker Room #14 - Ride the Italian Stallion!!!

    I saw that during CSI: NY last week. For months every time they play the Gary one I say they should do a new one with Carmine. I nearly fell off the bed when he came on last week! Heh heh, that almost sounds kinky... :devil:
  14. GuelphGal

    CSI:NY:Season 2 DVD

    So, why did no one tell me it wasn't out in Canada til Nov. 7th? I was all excited til I got to HMV and discovered it isn't out yet :( Cruel people!! It's weird though cause usually things come out here the same time as the U.S. and from what i saw on the HMV/Amazon site the cover art is...
  15. GuelphGal

    Mac #3: Slim Macky & The Taylor Girls

    I would love to see that. We should demand they replay it! :)
  16. GuelphGal

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I didn't see this mentioned, maybe I'm blind cause I'm shocked it hasn't come up yet :lol: but in the scene where Hawkes confides in Danny, Danny had come in irritated from spilling coffee on his shirt and pants and it says he goes to his locker and 'changes his clothes'. I'm hoping that scene...
  17. GuelphGal

    Mac #2 - Squeeze My Hand

    The Mac/Peyton scene at the end was way too cute for words. I like Peyton too :D
  18. GuelphGal

    Danny/Carmine #11 - I'm Lonely...NOT!!!

    I was just going to ask what was up with Flack's tie. Eeeeeew! :lol:
  19. GuelphGal

    CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!!

    Re: CSI NY Picture Thread #2 !!! **May Contain Spoilers** Whoever decided to put Carmine in that shirt deserves a medal. *swoon*
  20. GuelphGal

    Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

    I kept chanting 'New York, New York' all through the commercial breaks. Right at the end after they played the promo for Miami, I caught a millisecond glimpse of the beginning of the NY promo right before the local Buffalo station took over for the news :mad: