Again they will only bring her back for GSr which i love
but i cannot watch without Jorja on solving cases.
I think they will turn the focus to Catherine and Warrick because he got divorced. And she is not his supervisor.
I completely agree and I always thought Sara was a good role model for women definately the best one on CSI.
There was no CSI for me without Sara mainly because of Sara then GSR.
Sara is the main reason i got into this show 2 years ago
i bought the DVD's after catching an episode really alte...
I just cannot watch the show without Sara. She has always been way more than GSR. I was sad in Season 7 when they were onlying using for GSR even though i ship it.
Sara is just the biggest force on that show and oddly enough i dont think anyone realized it until we all thought she was going to...
Even if Jojra guest stars it will only be for GSR. plus I also think the end of this year will be it for Billy and Marg as well.
I can no longer watch the show because Sara was always much more than GSR to me.
Sara is the best character and the heart and soul of CSI.
I wanted this year to be...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mus
TPTB and the network have woefully underrated the importance of Sara the entire course of the show. They are pulling an ER and i believe this is the end of the show with our original team and another GREAT show will be ruined becaue TV...
Ahh but Romeo and Juliet are immortal.
Plus every writer seems to reference them. It is the default love couple for writers to reference to novice readers (or TV viewers). So I feel the writers were passing us a hint cause the looks the actors give each other more so than R+J as R+J being sad...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
Before the theme song Sara and Grissom have what fans call the Romeo and Juliet scene which since they were star crossed and forbidden. I feel this is a subtle hin to the fact that if they have not got together together they are...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
I agree about us all having opinions.
Frankly I am gald people are talking on the board again.
Oh, I finally was able to find an avatar...took forever.
Although I wish i was home in CA cause they are filming now darn grad school :p...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
I always thought they had started casual dating right before GD because of Iced and how huge Committed was. I dont think they moved to intimate intimate in GD but I definately think they had started casually dating.
I read at a...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
Desertwind I was not saying that Grissom did not noitce things, but I liked the subtlety of how they both looked at their entire relationship in different small ways. I guess the "Sunday" comment just struck me as a nice change, as a...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
I have to say i feel the two years was after Committed but before Grave Danger
because the trigger scene is a PERFECT example of why we all love GSR. They work effortlessly together (they are the best CSI's and work the best...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang
Got to say i think Sara was smartly standing up to Ecklie.
I think it really flustered him and that is why he is so confused with Grissom
It almost seemed like he liked Sara
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang
I dont think Greg KNEW KNEW
i think he figured it out remember he spent a lot of time with Sara and Grissom in season 5
plus he was holding a candle for her himself so he would be more aware of the vibes that Sara was taken shall we...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down..But Not With a Mustang
I have to say this episode was very sad. It makes me so worried about Sara.
But i want to give a little glimmer of hope.
In a way it opens a lot of doors for GSR though. It keeps the tension and drama going which has to stay for CSI...
Re: Grissom & Sara #30: Pin Me Down...But Not With a Mustan
thank you thank you
and episode is good so far
but again i never feel they use Sara enough
granted she is still recovering
but i have thought througout the whole show they do not use her enough
here's hoping
GSR rules