Maybe you're right, maybe I am working myself up too much over this. The ironic thing is that his departure did not seem to affect me this much until now. And I think that is because I tried to hold in my feelings, which is never good. I really try not to think about how he may never "come back"...
You don't know how much of a relief it is for me to find out he misses being Grissom! I think part of the reason why I refuse to move on from Gil is because I was afraid Billy had already moved on. Hearing that he misses playing the part is quite a big piece of comfort for me.
On a different...
I found more pictures, so here they are for everyone's viewing pleasure:
The Bugman
The "Nerdy" Look
Viva Las Vegas!
Say cheese, Gil!
The Bearded God
Science Geek
This is so true. Many of today's celebrities like to pretend to be "in character" all the time, and while that is great once in awhile, they should just be themselves, as well. Furthermore, a lot of today's celebrities are not as humble as Billy is, and that is really nice to see. He has a...
:lol: Crim, you really have it bad for him, don't you...
You and I are pretty much on the same cruise ship right now concerning Billy/Gil, if I am to be completely honest. The pictures that everyone's posting make both of us insane. There's no need to fight it, Crim, trust me. As a very wise...
What is it that you like most about Billy?
I have to admit that being a fan of his since 2006 has made me see who Billy truly is. He is a man who deserves our utmost respect and love - not just for what he has done for CSI - but also for everything else he has done, as well. That being said...
Sounds good to me! ;) All of these pictures are so incredible, it's scary (in a good way, of course). I especially liked your mosaic, as well as the one where he's showing interest in something, and the one where he's making a miniature.
Oh, this is hard... :eek:
1. Is a nice person.
2. Loves and respects his fans.
3. Was the one to help to shape CSI into the show it is today.
4. Was honest when speaking about his departure from CSI.
5. Is good in other things besides CSI, and can make his characters seem real.
Oh, Desertwind, that collage of yours is brilliant! :) I also like the one called "SLAL," because you can actually see Billy's face. In the one called "Way To Go," you can't really see his face, and that kind of irks me because his face is very nice to look at. ;)
Welcome to the thread, CSIz_4_H. I'm sure no one will fault you for not joining the discussions sooner. Out of curiosity, what is it that you like most about Billy? Oh, and please make sure you post all of the juicy details about your trip to see Billy (including photos, if you get any).
Look at those eyes of his...mmm... :drool: His eyes seem to me like the Bermuda Triangle; once they pull you in, there's no return from them. Furthermore, is it just me, or does Billy seem to have a god-like aura about him in most of these pictures? ;)
:lol: I know how you feel, Crim; that picture made me a little insane, as well. It's as if he's saying, "Come here and kiss me," and that is enough to make any Billy fan insane.
I have to agree with you there, gilsgal. The beard does give him a mysterious, alluring look. However, I like him clean-shaven because it makes him look younger. The beard...well, in a way it makes him age more than he needs to, but that's just my opinion.
Oh, yum...all of these pictures are so gorgeous that it makes me pretty close to insane. I especially liked the ones called, "Smiling with Mickey," and "Adorable."
Furthermore, I have to admit that I have quite the soft spot for clean-shaven Gil, so that last picture was a real treat for me...
:lol: By this post of yours, I can tell you are totally psyched to see him. Or maybe...psyched is an understatement? I know it would be for me if I was going to see Billy perform and possibly meet him face-to-face. I wish you the best of luck, my friend, and have lots of fun when you go. :D