The 30 and Over Club

^^^ Sorry, I don't have much to add on the above topic... Especially since my head feels a little fuzzy this morning. And that leads me into my next over 30 issue- I seem to have developed some allergies that I've never had before. It started last summer and man, does it suck. I'm basically taking an anti- allergy tablet every day of the spring and well into the summer now. UNFAIR!
^^^ Sorry, I don't have much to add on the above topic... Especially since my head feels a little fuzzy this morning. And that leads me into my next over 30 issue- I seem to have developed some allergies that I've never had before. It started last summer and man, does it suck. I'm basically taking an anti- allergy tablet every day of the spring and well into the summer now. UNFAIR!

I got spring allergies from my father and fall allergies from my mother. On top of that I'm also allergic to fresh cut grass and I'm the only one in the house who'll cut the grass. I've also inherited (from my mother) the ability to form a resistance to the over-the-counter anti allergy medications on the market so once each month I have to change what I'm taking. And god forbid if you sniffle in a store right now - people stare at you!

I had cat allergies as a teenager but the spring allergies did develop when I became 30 :eek: And along with the spring allergies come the dust allergies, and the being over sensitive to smells like excessive perfume and body colognes:scream: In the spring I usually take one antihistamine a day and that will get me through. I also have to rely on my asthma medicine. Oh did I mention that I got asthma when I turned 30 :eek:

And for those that do notice things even though I'm still allergic to cats we have 5 of them :) the tree allergies are worse than the cats. I would never part with the fur kids :)
I became allergic to cats in my early 20's, but it faded. Plus, I loves me some animals, so it never kept me away from them anyway. :lol:

I've heard that your system apparently changes slightly about every 7 years, so you can suddenly develop allergies that you've never had before, but I tend to think you may be on to something when you say you "inherited" them from your parents... I started to notice a lot of odd little new afflictions and whatnot when I got into my 30's, and for the most part I've gotten them from my folks, it seems. Hypoactive thyroid (mom), droopy eyelid that I had to get fixed (dad), eye sensitivities to make-up, face creams etc. (mom), slight winter asthma type condition (mom)... and I can only imagine the list will continue to lengthen! Damn DNA! :lol:
My allergies have been SO bad this year.
I haven't even put on eye makeup in 2 weeks because they're constantly dry and itchy and I'm just going to end up wiith black smears. I never had any problems with them until about the age of 13 and then the spring allergies started. It's about the same, but I'm allergic to cats now too which is sad since I'd like to have one.
Hey allergies have been sooo bad... my head is congested.

Anyways, I got accepted into a part-time degree program at the local univeristy, McMaster. Eventually I'm hoping to become a Social Worker.

What do you think about someone becoming a social worker by 45, cause it's gonna take a while.
I think you're going to be 45 whether you take the classes and become a social worker or not. If its what you want to do then do it, regardless of age.

And my answer to what do I think of anyone becoming a social worker is generally - Woo Hoo!

But you probably knew I would say that :D
All this talk about allergies. I think I'm allergic to work, but there is no pill for it.
Congrats on getting into the program. And it's never too late. I did my teaching degree when I was 35! :)

I too am allergic to work though... :lol:
What is turning points in peoples life?

I don't think I've ever had a turning point. About my job... I don't think I've ever had a dream job or anything that I have aspired to be, I just found something that I can do and am able to stick with.

My childhood wasn't all that great. It wasn't horrible, maybe just rougher than others. I knew that was how I didn't want to live as an adult and have done what I could to make things better for myself and my family.
All this talk about allergies. I think I'm allergic to work, but there is no pill for it.
I think that is the only allergy I have. Although I swear I cough when I am at work and never when I am at home. :lol:

I'm still waiting on my dream job...although I do work for a dreamy company. :lol: (Inside joke)
Now you see I am truly allergic to my work. I'm allergic to cats and we have cats at home and in the store :)

I have other allergies and so do my sisters and brother but my parents are allergy free. I wonder who we inherited them from. What I do wonder is having the same surgeries as your parents are they inherited or jsut the luck of the draw? My dad had his gallbladder out over 20 years ago. I had mine out 19 years ago. I had my appendix out 5 years ago my dad had his out almost 3 years ago. I think it's weird but who knows :)
The last few days I've been sneezing my head off in the morning. I'm guessing its some kind of allergy. My hubby is 'supposedly' allergic to cats, but at one time we had 3 of them and he was fine. I think it was a scam to keep me from getting cats. But I had the cats before him so either he went or ....well he went lol. Me and my cats were a package deal along with my son. Now that my son is a teenager, I'm guessing he probably wishes he'd fought to get rid of him instead of the cats lol...
OK, latest over 30 annoyance... apparently my stomach can no longer tolerate movie popcorn! And I mean just salt and butter style (I don't do all the newfangled toppings- I'm old school!) I can't eat too much anymore or I start to feel queasy... Grrrr. Movie popcorn has always been a secret love of mine. :confused: