I had mixed feelings about this episodes. There were some good scenes:
-The gun battle (Loved it. Guess all that work at the firing range came in handy for Ryan :lol:
Kudos to the special effects crew and the stunt people. Great job and a very exciting scene! Oh, and the actors did okay, too!
-A lot of folks thought it was creepy but I thought H's kiss to the cops forehead was sweet. Didn't think it was out of place at all and loved to see his emotion. The guys all man and din't think it was weird.
Thank you,
luvcsimiami, for saying what I've been thinking. I thought that seen was very touching. Horatio was very compassionate and seemed genuinely upset that the man died. Horatio just can't win. Eveyone complains because he's a cold, unfeeling killer acting like Robocop and when he's truly distraught over the loss of a fellow officer, he still takes a beating. Jeez!
-Frank and Horatio always fun to see these two guys on screen.
Agreed. I can never get enough of those two. Frank and Ryan can be pretty good as well. In fact at times they are hysterical. :lol:
--Ryan trying to cheer Calleigh up. Loved how sweet that was and how he was trying to be a friend.
That scene was very sweet. I enjoyed both Ryan and Calleigh.
-There was a lot I wasn't too happy about...
Not fond about the Eric missing cliffhanger with NO BODY anywhere in sight.

There isn't even a clue to where the heck he is. So yeah, AR will be back and Eric will be fine but I personally think he may be hurt a whole lot worse than first thought (at least I hope so if I'm going to have to wait three months to find out what happened. He better be near death's door darn it with a really good explanation of why he's in that position, even if they have done that already. :scream
Yeah. I wasn't too thrilled with the Eric goes missing thing either. I have a sneaking suspicion that Eric might have talked to Horatio, but who knows. Since I know that Adam will be back next season, I'm not really worried. This finale won't have me wondering like that text message to Ryan did last season.
Still not so sure Eric is the deceptive liar they were trying to make him out to be as his surprise seemed genuine when Calleigh asked to see his list of phone calls. I didn't see guilt in his face at all and usually when Eric is lying he looks guilty. His 'what is your problem' to Calleigh seemed genuine when she was digging into him about the car. The only other person I've ever heard him use that exact phrase with is Ryan in 'Nailed'. He had great reasons for his actions then and I'm just wondering if they are traveling the same road again. He and Ryan have this in common in that their team members are real quick to assume they are doing something shady when they aren't quick to spill the reasons behind why they are doing what they are doing:brickwall:
Yeah, Eric and Ryan do have that in common. Not unearned in a lot of instances, though. Eric was pretty quick to throw out a lie last week over something inconsequential. He apologized soon after, but it still plants the seed of doubt in Calleigh's mind.
They really do need to come up with something original here and not the same old same old.
-Is Sharova really a dirt bag or was he telling the truth? He has nothing to lose by telling the truth now as all the mob bosses are dead. I also don't think the guy is as quick on his feet to think up a lie that quickly especially when he looked to be in some serious pain from the concussion he has to have from the car crash but hey maybe he's really that talented.
I not quite sure what to make of Eric's "Dad", but I don't think I believe he's a good guy.
-Is it too much to ask that someone actually assume the best first instead of the worst? Is it too much to ask that for once Eric does something after fully comprehending the consequences and maybe H knew what was going on even if Calliegh didn't?
I think we have to remember these guys are law enforcement. They to see the worst people can do to each other so that doesn't make you very trusting or see the best a lot of times.
That said, it's incomphrehensible to me that they continue to first see the worst in each other. And it seems to be getting worse as time goes by. Again, I think it goes back to the loss of the team dynamic.
Eric and Horatio are very close. If Eric feels that he is protecting Calleigh by telling Horatio and not Calleigh, he may feel fully justified in his actions. But you're right, I don't think that he fully thought out how Calleigh will feel about his logic here.
-I will say that it seems a little odd that they did the good cop gone bad thing for two finales in a row. That makes me think that Eric's outcome won't be as favorable as Ryan's was. Some of the fans would be expecting that and Miami does now how to twist things. So to make Eric look like a good guy in the end like they did with Ryan would be too cliche, but in this instance I would be pissed if they can't come up with a more plausible reason why Eric ran the risk of losing everything other than he felt that he owed his father. Also, they spend so much time sowing the seeds of distrust with Ryan that it could have been believable that he might have flipped, it's not so beleivable with Eric which is why they would switch the storylines and write it this way.
Either way the finale was pretty god but I don't think it was their best and it was more painful to watch than anything else.
Well, Eric's always been pretty teflon coated. He's been well protected by both Horatio and Calleigh. I don't see that changing.
I agree this finale was good but it could have been a lot better. (Yelina was a delight, so that made me happy - but where the hell was Natalia! :scream
I'm not anxious to see the next season start as I have been in the past. Maybe because season 7
JUST ended. But they didn't leave me with anything to really look forward to.