Well it's hard to choose one, I'm torn between Wrecking crew and Smoke gets in your csi. In both episodes she was really great. She showed a lot of different emotions. It's not easy to decide which one was better, because each one was about something different. In first one she had to dealt with death of a man she had to protect and for the first time we saw that she wasn't ok when she admited it to Eric. Emily did a wonderful job showing how her character is struggling with that whole difficult situation. In the second one she had to manage with a possibility of loosing her own life. And again Emily was amazing, from the first scene to the last one. The moment when she had been choking is just brilliant. In my opinion she deserves an award for both episodes.:thumbsup:
I find myself torn between those 2 as well, but I think I'm more for "Smoke Gets in Your CSIs" just b/c of one very simple reason:
while on Wrecking Crew she had to convery w/ Calleigh's desperation b/c that witness had just died in front of her, in SGIYCSIs she had to convey w/ tons of feelings trhoughout the whole episode especially in that interrogation room

She had to be calm & cheerful at the begging just to become scared like hell during the fire, but, at the same time, she had to be strong enough to allow both Calliegh & Ryan's escape from that house.
Once she was back at MPDP she had to convey w/ her stubborn character & suddenly she had to feel completely lost w/o succeeding in breathing.
For a stubborn person like Calleigh there's no worse thing than showing her weakeness & there's no worse way to show it than not being able to breathe.
Calleigh in that moment couldn't breathe, at all, but she had to fight just to show she's stubborn & she could go on w/ that interrogation.
Surely Emily had to convey w/ all of these feeling in (what was it?) 2 minutes!!!
Not to mention that whenever she coughed I coughed as well 'cause I felt for her & I understood the situation she was in.
So if you ask me, I'd go w/ SGIYCSIs just b/c of this reason, though such an emotional Cal like the one we saw in "Wrecking Crew" is unique :thumbsup: