First off, before anyone attacks me for starting this thread, I have already gotten it approved from a Mod.
This is here for the people who don't wish to support the E/C romance, & here for us to discuss it. It is not intended to offend anyone, but there are some folks who don't like the pairing & if they would like to elaborate on thier thoughts then this is the place to do it.
This is not out there to bring on heated debates. There are some who love the couple, & some who don't, & this is now the appropriate place to discuss it for those who DON'T.
Keep in mind the rules of the board when posting comments. No bashing, spamming, or trolling. Also, please be sure to back up any comments you do have about the dislikes of this pairing.
I've always enjoyed the interaction between Eric & Calleigh as friends, however since they began this "exploring", I just haven't seen what I would expect out of a TV couple. I see a lot lacking from this pairing, & I've always disliked that they've had to go through all these manufactored deaths & tragedies just to "like/love" each other. To me, that is the furthest from organic that you can get.
I also don't enjoy that TPTB have pushed aside other characters & potential arcs all for the sake of this couple. There's been no team interaction, & even the interaction between Calleigh & other characters, & Eric & other characters have been simply been decreased next to practically nothing just so the writers could throw e/c into almost every single scene together, & then focus on them in every other episode.
I hate that everytime I click to view any material regarding CSI:Miami (interviews, articles, any media) that I have to constantly have this couple in my face. Even when the interview is with someone other than Emily or Adam.
Personally, I think having 2 lead CSIs in a romance is way too much for any crime show to handle. It has already taken over this show! TPTB have not managed to balance this story along with anything else other than Horatio drama. It's almost literally ALL we've seen in the past 2 seasons.
I've had to sit through 2 dreadful years of them dancing around this subject that has never been at all subtle or in the background, so I really don't care to sit through ANOTHER 2 years of watching these two IN a relationship. I can only imagine how worse the team interaction & character balance will be.
NOT my cup of tea.
This is here for the people who don't wish to support the E/C romance, & here for us to discuss it. It is not intended to offend anyone, but there are some folks who don't like the pairing & if they would like to elaborate on thier thoughts then this is the place to do it.
This is not out there to bring on heated debates. There are some who love the couple, & some who don't, & this is now the appropriate place to discuss it for those who DON'T.
Keep in mind the rules of the board when posting comments. No bashing, spamming, or trolling. Also, please be sure to back up any comments you do have about the dislikes of this pairing.
I've always enjoyed the interaction between Eric & Calleigh as friends, however since they began this "exploring", I just haven't seen what I would expect out of a TV couple. I see a lot lacking from this pairing, & I've always disliked that they've had to go through all these manufactored deaths & tragedies just to "like/love" each other. To me, that is the furthest from organic that you can get.
I also don't enjoy that TPTB have pushed aside other characters & potential arcs all for the sake of this couple. There's been no team interaction, & even the interaction between Calleigh & other characters, & Eric & other characters have been simply been decreased next to practically nothing just so the writers could throw e/c into almost every single scene together, & then focus on them in every other episode.
I hate that everytime I click to view any material regarding CSI:Miami (interviews, articles, any media) that I have to constantly have this couple in my face. Even when the interview is with someone other than Emily or Adam.
Personally, I think having 2 lead CSIs in a romance is way too much for any crime show to handle. It has already taken over this show! TPTB have not managed to balance this story along with anything else other than Horatio drama. It's almost literally ALL we've seen in the past 2 seasons.
I've had to sit through 2 dreadful years of them dancing around this subject that has never been at all subtle or in the background, so I really don't care to sit through ANOTHER 2 years of watching these two IN a relationship. I can only imagine how worse the team interaction & character balance will be.