Oh she was definitely more into the horse than she was the trainer. She looked really nice there at the end, smiling and petting the horse, clearly excited to be going riding. But I don't think she was running, or in full avoidance mode... she gave no indication at any point in tonights episode that she was uncomfortable around Eric (but I do agree her excuse for not joining them at the restaurant sounded lame). If she was running or avoiding the topic of her and Eric she would not have put him on the spot in last weeks episode... she
wants him to tell her how he feels.
I agree that she is not to the point where she's giving up on Eric and is looking at other guys, or purposefully flirting with them. I wouldn't call what Eric does "flirting" with other women. Sure he smiles and laughs with other women, but that doesn't mean he's flirting... he's just really friendly. To flirt is to "make playfully romantic or sexual overtones"... and Eric does not do that with any other woman other than Calleigh. And I wouldn't say Calleigh declining to go riding because she was on duty, but maybe another time, had romantic or sexual overtones... not flirty. But, I do think she enjoyed the attention from the trainer, as any woman would.
The end didn't bother me, because Eric sure didn't seem to be bothered that he couldn't find Calleigh, or get in touch with her. Although, he may have a moment of jealousy if he found out where she was, that she was with the trainer. I think someone needs to write a continuation of this episode

Sorry Dina Wizy...1st scene was when they were collecting evidence at the scene. Eric was already there and Cal walked in. He mentioned that "they" (and I assume he meant the team) were at this restaurant and what happened to her, thought she was going to go. She said she was tired, went home, had dinner, looked at email and went to bed. While they were collecting evidence she noticed the food on the table, including some truffles that are so good and her favorite, and they can't be found in Miami. I
In another scene they were at the horse barn asking the trainer questions and Eric went to go look around while Calleigh talked to the trainer. This part was innocent, nothing much happened, but later Calleigh went back to see the trainer, ask him some more questions when he asked her if she wanted to go riding. Cal told him she couldn't, that she was on duty, but maybe some other time she'd take him up on the offer. She smiled really sweetly at him, as she left, called him by name, and of course he watched as she left. Then at the end, she was at the racetrack, having changed her clothes, while the trainer rode around the track with a horse for her... she got on the horse and off they rode. She was all smiles, looked really nice, really happy, petted the horse before getting on, etc. At the same time, at the lab, Eric is looking for her, goes into one of the labs calling her name, doesn't find her. He sees on the board that lists their names that she has the "off duty" sign next to her name so he knows she's left already. He goes back to her lab, and places a box of the truffles on her desk. Then when he's getting into his car he tries to call her on his cell phone, and we see her cell phone on top of her stuff on the ground at the horse track while in the background we see her and the trainer riding the horses.