Eric/Greg Leggo Our Greggo Thread #13

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That would be great. Most of music on eRockster (I mean all rock, alt, some electro stuff) is possible to get here thanks to UK TV station (I'm not saying that is a part of a other TV station which everyone knows, lol). It's great that in States more people can know a lot of great bands from UK.
Well actually a lot of the bands played on erockster are popular on college radio stations. I just do not have one of those stations around here, so it is nice to hear some of it.

Can't wait to see CSI this week. From the previews we definitely get some Greg in this episode.
Yeah the promo looks promising and there is a nice scene bewteen Greg and Grissom. =See spoiler thread for details.=
Yeah there is now a new clip on the spoiler thread for the episode that shows more of the Greg/Grissom scene. Almost got me teary eyed just watching that bit.
On wikipedia, it said that "[Greg's supposed psychic connection] is humorously referenced on several occasions, with Greg making a seemingly innocuous comment, which later either occurs or is referenced. Ironically, Greg is never present when these discoveries are made, and nobody ever seems to notice as well."

When I read this, I was surprised, as I'd never noticed this happening. Do you guys know of any incidents when this happens?
Well the only time I think he was slightly correct was in Spellbound when he said he said to Grissom that he thought the girl predicted her own murder and it seems he was right on that one. Any other occasion I cannot think of.

Besides you cannot take everything on wikipedia as the truth, since it is all edited by regular people.
I can't think of anything beside Spellbound either but Greg does have ways of discovering information about people when others can't. Don't know if thats just his superior brain power or his possible psychic power.
Remember they always use to call him Einstein and stuff. I miss them calling him those names.
Yeah the promo looks promising and there is a nice scene bewteen Greg and Grissom. =See spoiler thread for details.=

I couldn't find that particular promo, Wojo, and I looked through the spoiler thread. Can you give me the date that it was posted?
It is actually on the Entertainment Tonight website. It is shown William Peterson interview.
Remember they always use to call him Einstein and stuff. I miss them calling him those names.

Yeah, that was very cute. Would be lovely to hear in this season that Nick suddenly calls Greg "Einstein". I see Greg in a little shock:lol:
Yeah I miss his ranting about how he went to Stanford. I think it would be interesting if he went to pursue like a Master's Degree and then perhaps a Doctorate and he could be Dr. Greg Sanders. :) Okay I know that will not happen but something I would not mind seeing.
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