Eddie Cahill #5: Charismatic Brilliance

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Thanks for the awesome pictures ZhuShuaijie! Hot damn, was that lovely or what?!

And the suit was just impeccable.
For the longest time, I have been wondering...What does the P in Edmund P. Cahill stand for? Patrick? Philip?

Does anybody know? Because I sure don't. :shifty: Thanks! :)
A pic of Eddie at an LA Kings game, I think this was Nov 29th-ish. So, fairly recent. ...what I wouldnt give to be in the empty seat beside him. :lol:


dude eddie's hot but I can't stop staring at the guy's hair in front of him. It's like a train wreak! LOL

thanks for posting that pic..I hear you about that empty seat...(hmmm so fly to LA..and go to hockey games..have a chance to see Eddie and accidently fall into his lap :drool:)
A pic of Eddie at an LA Kings game, I think this was Nov 29th-ish. So, fairly recent. ...what I wouldnt give to be in the empty seat beside him. :lol:


dude eddie's hot but I can't stop staring at the guy's hair in front of him. It's like a train wreak! LOL

thanks for posting that pic..I hear you about that empty seat...(hmmm so fly to LA..and go to hockey games..have a chance to see Eddie and accidently fall into his lap :drool:)

I would just sit there staring at him the whole game out of the corner of my eye. And maybe trying to touch him if there's an arm rest. HeeHee! Maybe since I don't know anything about hockey I'd hit him up for hockey facts/info. Just short tidbits so he can still watch the game but I can hear that sexy voice. :drool:
I'd be too busy watching Eddie to even attempt to pay attention to the game.

And, I don't think that the guy sitting beside of Eddie realizes that he is seated next to one of the sexiest men in the world.
Lucky old guy...
dudettes, Star World here is currently airing Friends re-runs and to my delight, I'm enjoying him as cute but dorky Tag (finally!!!!!!)

I liked that particular line where he said that he freaked out when he turned 25. Because it's true. Talk about early mid-life crisis there.
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