Lost in the parking lot
Yup, I agree with ya. I must admit that I don't even like the idea of them dating (don't get me wrong, their chemistry works perfectly and I like all those other small scenes between them, but Flack/Angell? No thanks)Good episode. Lots of Flack which is always good! Loved the interaction between Don and Sam. *hugs Don* But what the hell? Who just goes and kisses someone like that out of the blue? "Oh yeah, thanks'-here let me swap spit with you cause you waited for me. I mean, is this a GSR style thing? Have they secretly been dating all along? Excuse me, I feel physically sick! Angell is alright but, ugh!
B, because I didn't think that this was as good as several eps before. Writers are going backwards with everything in this show. And is it just me imagining, but is there fewer Stella and Mac scenes than before (not particularly in 'Dead Inside' but in seasons 5 and 4 )? Now it feels like Mac is sitting in his room all day long. Okay, maybe I've watched too much CSI NY season 1-3 eps in the last few weeks or so..
Anyhow, this was a lame episode. Nice that the writers focus more on the CSI staff than the murders, but still I'd expect to see some good crimes for the team to solve. Now it's just boring to watch (of course those Flack scenes in this ep were awwwwwie, despite the Flangell part in the end), I'd love to see Adam more in the field (like in the 5x03 hahaha
HAHAHAHA! :lol: That was the best scene in the ep :lol: :lol:~ Hee, Sheldon, you're so horrid - you spend too much time with Sid. 'Midnight schnack'? :lol: