CSI NY celebrate the hundredth episode

Thanks for the pics noealonso !!! :)

AJ looks great, Anna looks veeery pregnant, is she due soon?, Robert Joy is wearing the same horrible shirt that in the first celebration pics and the rest look gorgeous.
Great pictures, thanks noealonso! Everyone is looking great. :D How many celebrations are they going to have for this 100th episode? :lol: It is a great achievement though. :)
I`m really in love with Melina`s dress,that woman can wear anything and look good in it.

Anna looks good and healthy but I kinda think it`s a shame that she isn`t dressed up like Melina.

Melina looks great in that dress, she always does. I have to disagree about Anna though, I love the jeans/pretty top ensemble, it's understated and simple but she looks amazing.
Thanks Noe :D Any time i watch melina and Gary pics my heart stops :D They are great :D Hopefully Producers could see the great chemistry they have ;) :D

Debbie :D
Did anyone else notice that Carmine's been messing with the chest hair? That's just wrong, but he definitely isn't as hairy as in other pics. :scream:
I`m really in love with Melina`s dress,that woman can wear anything and look good in it.

Anna looks good and healthy but I kinda think it`s a shame that she isn`t dressed up like Melina.

Melina looks great in that dress, she always does. I have to disagree about Anna though, I love the jeans/pretty top ensemble, it's understated and simple but she looks amazing.

Anna's top is nice, but I see what jolein is saying...she definitely looks underdressed compared to her co-stars.

Did anyone else notice that Carmine's been messing with the chest hair? That's just wrong, but he definitely isn't as hairy as in other pics. :scream:

I wonder if that means TPTB are stripping Danny down sometime soon. Usually less chest hair means a shirtless scene. :lol:
I gotta say if I were what, 6/7 months pregnant, I sure wouldn't be wearing a dress like Melina is. I think the top is great on Anna, shows off her very slim arms and being very appropriate for her bump (which is impressively contained to just the front area :lol:). I think if anything perhaps dark trousers would've been another option to jeans but in no way does she look like she is overly dressed down or hasn't made an effort. In saying that though, have just seen a pic of Eddie Cahill and he's wearing jeans too. Maybe they got the memo Gary and Melina didn't :guffaw:

Shirtless Danny scene? I'll go for that. I miss the locker room scenes. Green shirt whilst taking to Hawkes anyone ;)
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There's tons more pics! I'll have to post the links for you all! I got 'em all now with no watermarks. Wahoo! If you're looking for someone in particular let me know.
There's tons more pics! I'll have to post the links for you all! I got 'em all now with no watermarks. Wahoo! If you're looking for someone in particular let me know.

Please, i want those pics with Melina, Gary and Eddie! Actually in special i am looking for the largest pics where Melina and Gary are together. A large one of Eddie too (i need more light. His eyes are perfect for that:lol::drool::drool::drool:
What colour are Gary's eyes????? I thought they were blue but now i doubt it:confused::drool::drool::drool:

Regarding Anna, well it's true it's casual but she is pregnant and she needs to be comfortable with her bump and her clothes as any woman does. I posted a pic of melina where she is casual too (The Flinstones premiere on 2000) where i think she was pregnant too and many fans were surprised by that. After working on the maternity ward i do believe all mums anf future mums needs a break of fashion just to be comfortable with themselves. There are many changes in their bodies as it is;)

Debbie :thumbsup:
I"m not going to post all the links here so if you want anyone or some in particular PM me for the big pics. I'm too lazy to post 'em all here! LOL! I know some of you have already PM'd me and I believe I've gotten back to each of you.