CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - Back in the Big Apple

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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I don't know if this tells us much, but because it's from Fay's man, it must be mentioned:

Jeff in Huntington Beach, Calif.: This season of CSI: New York has been great! Anything big coming up?
Not just big—explosive! A.J. Buckley (Adam Ross) just told me that in three episodes "a big bomb is going to drop." When I begged and pleaded with him to reveal if a bomb is literally going to hit our beloved New Yorker's, A.J. coyly responded, "I'm just going to say a bomb—it happens!" Where's Peter Petrelli when you need him?

It's from Kristin's Spoiler Chat.

So, based on where we are now, that's either episode 506 or 507. Any big bombs that we know of in either episode???
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I'm still fulminating wrathfully about the promos circulating for 507, the ones in which it looks like Flack is about to help Angell with her nasty tonsilitis by scraping them out with his tongue if he can just get close enough. I realize that this scene may not be what it appears, or that it might be edited from the final cut, but it still curdles my cheese for various reasons, which I will enumerate here because I can.

Let's just get the self-serving bone of contention out of the way now, reach back and pluck it from my underpants and toss it aside, where interested passersby can inspect it at their leisure.

I don't like Flack/Angell because its existence would seriously harsh my fannish buzz. My LJ is full of Flack/OC angst, drama, and pornicatings, and if he's paired up with Angell, it will become exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to enjoy that creative outlet. I could stick my fingers in my ears and scream, "LALALA, CAN'T HEAR YOU!!", but the fact is that I like to believe that what I write could conceivably be happening offscreen. I also like to incorporate the season's events into Flack's personal story.

It's going to be awfully hard to write stories where he has a wife at home if he's going to be playing oral gynecologist with Angell every few weeks. I avoided the Devon Maxsford problem by writing it as an undercover job he was reluctant to accept, but I'll be damned if I'm going to write him as a philandering tool.

My personal stake aside, a Flack/Angell pairing would simply be too incestuous. What I mean by that is that the lives of the characters would grow so enmeshed and entangled that the lab would morph into some deranged biodome where no outsiders were permitted. Each character draws and bases their entire identity, not just their professional one, on each other.

Danny is bonking Lindsay.

Flack might be bonking Angell

Stella might be boning Adam, or at least, Adam might offer her a peep at his club.

They're all forming neat little peptide chains of schmoop and leaving no room for life beyond the lab. It's almost as if they cannot exist beyond the narrow confines of the lab, that if they stray beyond those confines, they'll simply dissolve.

They need aspects of their lives that are separate from the lab and the job. Stella needs to tap her some hot firefighter ass, but offscreen, please. Flack needs to be used as something more than a well-hung Ken doll paired up with the smoking young detective who makes his man parts tingle. Angell needs to be developed beyond her effect on Don's dong. And for God's sake, Hawkes needs to be developed, period. Preferably without the aid of shapely boobies.

Flack and Angell ooze chemistry. Even my ant-shipper, OC-writing heart can't deny that they sizzle. Their potential relationship would certainly be more organic than the rancid little turd torte of D/L, which is such a misbegotten clot of WTF and wishful thinking that Dr. Frankenstein would disavow it before he even threw the switch. If TPTB wanted to explore it a season or two down the road(after they'd developed the characters more fully as people and not illustrative paper doll cutouts from the Yuppie TV Writers' PG-Rated Kama Sutra, I'd understand it. I wouldn't like it any more than I do now, but at least its presence would be a natural progression of the writing and not a cheap bid to draw in the teenies and tweenies who think Danny looks like the ass end of a woodchuck.

If Flack and Angell end up swapping spit in 507, I will not say, "Awww," and reach for my hankies and butterfly vibe. I will sound like an angry German plucking his butt hair with rusty tweezers, and my middle finger will appear so suddenly that I'll be in danger of putting out my eye.

Having said all of that, the suit Flack is sporting in those pics is sexy as hell; it looks almost like a silk tux. The collar of his shirt is open like he'd just taken off a bowtie. Rowr.

Also, they way he's holding her hair strikes me as a slice of dominant alpha male. Guh. Excuse me while I blow dry my panties.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I don't know if this tells us much, but because it's from Fay's man, it must be mentioned:

Jeff in Huntington Beach, Calif.: This season of CSI: New York has been great! Anything big coming up?
Not just big—explosive! A.J. Buckley (Adam Ross) just told me that in three episodes "a big bomb is going to drop." When I begged and pleaded with him to reveal if a bomb is literally going to hit our beloved New Yorker's, A.J. coyly responded, "I'm just going to say a bomb—it happens!" Where's Peter Petrelli when you need him?

It's from Kristin's Spoiler Chat.

So, based on where we are now, that's either episode 506 or 507. Any big bombs that we know of in either episode???

:confused: Erm, nothing particularly stands out. Although, completely guessing, but 506 is probably the one where Mac is told that he has to lose a team member because of budget cuts. So maybe it's a 'time bomb', they need to come up with a solution before time runs out... I suppose it's possible. That's my guess. I have no idea. AJ is too vague, we need more details. :D :lol:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Also, they way he's holding her hair strikes me as a slice of dominant alpha male. Guh. Excuse me while I blow dry my panties.

Ummm - can I borrow that blow dryer when you are done ;)

It wouldn't be the same because the character traits aren't the same, but there's still potential to handle it badly and turn people off like some people have been turned off by D/L.

That concerns me as well. I just don't think it will be handled well and I am perfectly content to imagine that things might be happening off-screen with F/A and hope that that scene isn't quite what it looks like.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Awwwww I admit Angell and Donnie looks so good together:drool:. But even for me, a hopelless romantic, i think my stomach will have more than i can handle after 5.09:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Regarding Adam and Stella: inside the Smacked Family thread we discussed this eppy several weeks ago and nobody believes something is going to happen between them.

I'm not in denial because i'm a SMACked fan but because i feel it could risk the charm of those 2.

Adam having a little/big crush on Stell is so adorable and tender. And possibly we will have GREAT scenes about their relationship.

But Stella having sex with Adam is a mistake:rolleyes: The beautiful part of their relationship would be lost. The thing about the "Crush on her" i mean

And of course i want Stella with Mac, It has much sense, in experience, in ages and even how they are connected;)

Debbie :D
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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I don't know if this tells us much, but because it's from Fay's man, it must be mentioned:

Jeff in Huntington Beach, Calif.: This season of CSI: New York has been great! Anything big coming up?
Not just big—explosive! A.J. Buckley (Adam Ross) just told me that in three episodes "a big bomb is going to drop." When I begged and pleaded with him to reveal if a bomb is literally going to hit our beloved New Yorker's, A.J. coyly responded, "I'm just going to say a bomb—it happens!" Where's Peter Petrelli when you need him?
It's from Kristin's Spoiler Chat.

So, based on where we are now, that's either episode 506 or 507. Any big bombs that we know of in either episode???
Let's see - 5.06 is the one with the three drug dealers gunned down on the eve of their trial, and as Elsie points out, the most likely episode for the budget cut drama (based on the evidence we have so far at least). 5.07 is the episode where Sam comes back, and it's the one where the man is found dead in a house that is being relocated.

So from what we know now, I would guess the 'bomb' is either the budget cut thing or something to do with Sam. Then again, it could be something we know nothing about at this point. I don't take it to be a literal bomb so much as Big News or a major, perhaps shocking piece of information. I guess we'll see.

Oh AJ, you're such a tease. :p

La_Guera said:

They're all forming neat little peptide chains of schmoop and leaving no room for life beyond the lab. It's almost as if they cannot exist beyond the narrow confines of the lab, that if they stray beyond those confines, they'll simply dissolve.

They need aspects of their lives that are separate from the lab and the job.
Agreed. I know it's convenient to hook up the main characters, but it should be shown that their personal lives extend beyond The Job.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

When I first saw those pics, I thought that was Sam not Angell, so I'm just relieved Flack isn't getting it on with his sister. If there was one thing that could be more messed up than the way Danny uses sex to keep people happy with him, it would be Flack and his sister getting it on. :lol:

I thought the same thing and waited to post until someone else mentioned it being Angell. :lol: The hair and make-up people need to not straighten Angell's hair because they do look alike. Maybe Flack does have an issue with his sis considering the chick he's flirting with/dating/whatever looks a lot like her. :eek: :lol:

Well, I suppose the revelation of an incestuous relationship between Flack and Sam would answer some of the questions about the Flack family dynamics and count as a big bombshell... :lol: I too had to look twice at the pictures.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

looks like so long devon! (flack's season 4 "girlfriend"):lol: the thumbnails of the pictures were small. and i saw flack holding angell. but when i was loading the other pics, one stopped loading and the pic was upto below angell's eyes, and she looks like sam. so i thought maybe that flack holding pic, he was holding sam for comfort or something. but i was wondering why everybody's saying, f/a.. f/a.. :lol: but i got my answer once the pics completely loaded. other than that i would prefer f/a over d/l drama ANY DAY. :p
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

From the 'Just the Facts' thread:

5.12 - "Help"

Sorry, I've only be able to have a quick look at the spoilers, so this is a little bit rushed. I think the team is investigating two deaths. A woman dies at a designer wedding dress sale, and a musician is raped and murdered. The two cases may actually be linked.

Hawkes has dinner with an ex girlfriend. She was raped years ago and Hawkes thinks that the same man has struck again.

In other notes, Flack and Angell are working on the case together. Sid and Adam share a scene. Sid recognises the musician because she played at his subway stop.

This could perhaps give us some interesting insight into Hawkes' life. :)
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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

^^ "Hey girl, what's your sign?"... :lol: :lol: :lol:

I can't wait until tonight!!!

I like the insight into Hawkes' life, but I also like the idea of Sid and Adam sharing a scene... :D Sounds like it should be interesting.
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I love it when Flack is snarky around Stella. It always looks like Melina is ready to burst out in a fit of laughter. :D

ETA: From TVGuide.com "Today's News" by Matt Mitovich and Mickey O'Connor:

Are there any plans to make Emmanuelle Vaugier a regular cast member of CSI: NY? — Eric
Matt: "It's certainly possible." And that's not just my love for Saw II talking, it's a quote from NY's exec producer. "We all love Emmanuelle and what she's done with her character Det. Angell," says Peter Lenkov. "Right now she's scheduled to appear in several upcoming episodes, and let's just say the chemistry between her and Det. Flack is not ignored."

Yes, let's make Angell a regular cast member only to reduce her to Flack's love interest. :rolleyes: I'd also hazard a guess that the "chemistry between her and Det. Flack is not ignored" comment means they're gonna rush headlong past flirting and straight into who knows what. :rolleyes:
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Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I love snarky Flack around Stella too...It does look like Melina is trying hard not to burst out laughing
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

I love it when Flack is snarky around Stella. It always looks like Melina is ready to burst out in a fit of laughter. :D

ETA: From TVGuide.com "Today's News" by Matt Mitovich and Mickey O'Connor:

Are there any plans to make Emmanuelle Vaugier a regular cast member of CSI: NY? — Eric
Matt: "It's certainly possible." And that's not just my love for Saw II talking, it's a quote from NY's exec producer. "We all love Emmanuelle and what she's done with her character Det. Angell," says Peter Lenkov. "Right now she's scheduled to appear in several upcoming episodes, and let's just say the chemistry between her and Det. Flack is not ignored."
Yes, let's make Angell a regular cast member only to reduce her to Flack's love interest. :rolleyes: I'd also hazard a guess that the "chemistry between her and Det. Flack is not ignored" comment means they're gonna rush headlong past flirting and straight into who knows what. :rolleyes:

Yaaaay... :shifty:
Re: CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Dicussion - Back in the Big Apple

Hawkes has dinner with an ex girlfriend. She was raped years ago and Hawkes thinks that the same man has struck again.
Now that makes me curious.
I wonder if we get to see a angry Hawkes once they got the rapist.
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