I actually enjoyed this episode. It didn't necessarily flow well from last week's epi but all the same I enjoyed the light-heartedness.
The Calleigh & Ryan scenes were the most refreshing scenes in the episode, there was a nice season 4-ish feel to it - great to see some of the humor back, although I thought Calleigh seemed distracted compared to the other members who kept the banter throughout the episode.
Normally Ryan was my least favorite character, but he was a pleasure watching this time around & looked damn good in the boots & jacket
I haven't decided on Tara yet. I like her sparkiness, she actually reminded me of Natalia when she first came on the show & I miss that, so it was nice to see on Tara, but I still have a hard time getting past her age.
I also thought it was odd that Frank knew who she was but Horatio, the team leader, was like who....is...she....:wtf:
Ohhh St. Horatio....
what can I say. I love ya big red, but the whole ending scene in the warehouse with the girls was so very 'shock' from season 4. The way that one girl looked back at him like he was some kind of God - I just laughed my ass off.
Overall good epi, probably not going down as my fave but still good to see. Although it would have been far better to see more than 2 in one scene, the team interaction was the highlight of the episode for me(Cal/Ryan, Eric/Tara, Eric/Nat) -wished there was at least one scene with H & Calleigh though.