CSI Icons #5: Showcase, Links and Requests

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I think this has got to be my first time posting in here, these were my enteries for the Warrick challenge...

Great icons, everyone!

Few comments:

Steph, love the Nicky "Pout" one. Very cute! :)

Kat, Cute animated N/G icon. :D What's the font called on your second Greg icon?

Misshelgenberger, love the way you did that Nick one. Does anyone know of a tut for how to do that with Paint Shop Pro? I have been trying to figure out how to do that and I haven't been able to find a tut for it yet. :lol:

Althea, love the swirl around the flashlight on the second Warrick icon. :) Very cool!
Adorable_Crazy, fantastic! It's easy to see how much you're improving :D

CSI_Kat, love them, as always :p

misshelgenburger, wow! Great work. Amazing colouring!

althea, I love your Warrick icons. Of course, I love Warrick, so it's hard not to :lol: But seriously, great work :)
Here are several more Greggo ones. Yes the icon making itch struck me yesterday.

hehehe awesome job Kat!! I love the colouring on all of them! The last link doesn't seem to be working! :p :lol:

Great job everyone else!! I LOVE all the Warrick icons from the challenge!! :)
Thanks so much Meg and Sophia! I appreciate it. :alienblush:

Last link is now fixed.
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