I'll give this episode a B+. It was good, but to be honest the killer disappointed. After such a build up it wasn't all I hoped it would be. That's not to say that there wasn't some great moments in there, I did enjoy it and there was definitely some lovely character moments in there.
As I've just written a post in response to the episode review in the news section, this is an extended version of that post.
I have to agree with
Kristine's review of the episode, that the killer ranting at Reed was odd considering his otherwise calm and methodical behaviour. I think the mental patient's notes mentioned something about 'religious fanaticism' so yes, even though none of this was mentioned again in this episode it presumably is the same guy.
I'm still surprised that, given the patient notes, the piece of gravestone and the carvings, none of the team had previously considered that perhaps it was a reference to Leviticus. I would say it's a fairly well known biblical passage, and of course Mac can even quote it. Not that them working that out would have helped, but it still irked me a little that our incredibly intelligent and talented CSI's are sometimes a little slow on the more obvious things. And whilst being slow on the obvious things they always manage to find the most ridiculous and unique bits of evidence which help them on their way. I love it, it's one of the things about CSI: NY that I've come to expect in every episode and as
goldnhart said, it is often far fetched. :lol: Monkey pox, special motor oil, yeast, a guy living in an old fire house (?) that happens to be in the path of the specific smell that only comes from one factory (or however they ridiculously found the guy, you get my point). :lol:
I really loved Reed and Mac's interaction in this episode. I think the ending did show that Mac certainly has very strong feelings towards Reed, and I like that he doesn't really know how to handle him. Kyle Gallner's performance was great. I was surprised that he hadn't been kidnapped, and more surprised that he didn't assume that the guy he had met was the cabbie killer. I can see how he desperately wanted the story for his blog, but he came across as the bratty, annoying Reed from the last few episodes. Luckily I think he redeemed himself later on, but he must be feeling rather guilty about the death of the police officer, even if, to be honest, it was carefully engineered by the killer. Hopefully Reed will learn from his mistakes and move on. I don't know if we'll see Reed again, but I'd like to think that if there is a storyline out there that could use him they will bring him back.
Flack was awesome, as always. I loved it when Angell pushed him out of the way, it was rather unexpected. And I loved that he couldn't describe the cab as anything other than a yellow cab. Poor Flack was not happy and he seemed to go straight to Danny for some support.

Of course Flack was quickly back to his usual self at the cab company, you can't mess with Detective Flack! Flack and Angell asking for a flashlight and gloves. I don't know why, but I loved it. I was worried about the state of Flack's suit though, he might have got all dirty down on the floor!
Anyway, I'm not sure how I feel about Jordan and Quinn being in this episode. Both seem under used, and I can appreciate that they both had small parts to play in the case, but it seemed a bit odd to me.
Finally, the 'Montana' reference should have been removed in my opinion, it was completely pointless. But I did like that Lindsay and Danny managed to have a scene (processing the cab) without any silliness taking place from either of them. Hooray, they can work together without having to mention their 'relationship' or anything else. About time.