George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#24

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Good morning y'all :)

Oh which way to go here. Theme or wake-up pics, theme or wake-ups pics???? Sorry girls but you'll have to wake-up on your own this morning :guffaw:

Babs good theme choice but we are only doing 12 pics in our themes from now on as there are soooo many of us playing :)

Sorry Yoshi :D
Snakes latex
Sara don't let Nick string you along
oh if you insist MsHandFetish and it's theme pic 4 :lol:
oops I did it again :guffaw:
Latex and open Nick what more could a Ward Girl ask for. Don't answer Smokey we haven't been hosed in ages :guffaw:
Good morning y'all :)

Latex and open Nick what more could a Ward Girl ask for. Don't answer Smokey we haven't been hosed in ages :guffaw:

Hey! Why am *I* the one you warn about dirty comments?!! :p

Because we know you too well

Here are the rest of my theme pics

latex and buzz :devil: :drool:
oh Nick I'm so sorry that you're about to loose :guffaw:
latex and some evidence
oh we know what's about to happen after this scene :drool:
Nick and sweet Mary Jane
I'm sorry Nick but I prefer Tea :)
And now something special:devil:
Nicky and... triple latex

Now I was certainly not expecting that when I opened the picture but Deirdre you play the game well :guffaw: We'll leave any comments to Smokey when she checks back into the Ward this afternoon :guffaw:

Captain, Babs believe me or not, but I found this pic accidentally... Who knows what can happen when you're looking some pics from third season:guffaw:

Babs, that's yours challenge;)

I hope I don't need to be afraid of Smokey;)
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Wonderful pictures ladies.

I have a request for all you "ward girls," over in the misc thread there is a photo contest going on, we are short of voters, would some of you be willing to go over there and vote? I would be appreciated. This is the final round.

Since this is a picture thread I have a good one.

Who can resist this face
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I'm gonna put my damn foot through the computer!!

The only thread that won't come up in it's entirety is The Ward!

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