Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread.

Hot Singer....

Chris Daughtry, he's so damn hot, and I love his bad boy style:drool:


^luvingmyHoratio, I just realised that Chris totally looks like one of my colleagues at the school I used to teach at. :p Never realised that until now. haha.

Here's a pic of the sexiest vegetarian alive :D

*facepalm* Thanks for the link Hormiga. I didn't know there was another thread :eek:

As a quick cover-up I'll just post a pic of Brad! (Paisley that is ;) )

Hmmm...I'm not sure H2H, I've tried a couple post pics, but I can't figure it out either:confused:

Two of Robert Redford:) cause I love sexy older men:devil:


Topher Grace:

Justin Hartley:

Ashton Kutcher:

For those that need to know how to link to a thumbnail:

Well from photobucket said:
generate HTML and IMG code. Copy and paste the code from the IMG clickable thumbnails for message boards - recommended box :) Hope that helps!