Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread.


If there's a "Hot actresses and singers picture thread",why not a hot guys' one? :devil:

I'll begin with one of the hottest guys ever : Wentworth Miller. :cool:

Wentworth Miller
Pic 2

ETA: (From the Help and Info Desk)
We know you like to post images of your fav star and that is cool, but we have to becareful because not everyone has DLS/Cable, there are still some who use Dialup, and big images can slow them down even to a point of getting tired of waiting. Then there are some people who do not have large monitors and therefore stretches the screen to wide. So we are changing the posting of images up a bit these are not exact but please keep them close. We also ask that you not quote images, if you do please put them in a URL link.

You can do 2 pics at 130x130, or 3 pics at 115x115, a fav of some is clickable thumbnails to the bigger pics (instructions listed in the how to post), lastly there are URL Linkable where you post a link to the picture with a good descript of what they are about to see, or who (IE Hotch & Morgan chasing a criminal) and what they are doing. Remember a good descript of the pic is always awesome and it can attract many to look.

Please do note that you need 100 posts first to post an image, until then you can always use the URL link. If you don't know how to use the URL link it will be shown in the next post.

We also ask that you not "Hotlink" (aka direct link) the pictures from a site that is not yours, it is not allowed and not to mention its just rude. And as you know they can not carry Adult Content, Swearing, Baiting, Trolling or Flaming in them.
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Re: Hot actors and singers picture thread.

My men of the moment.... :D

Hugh Laurie and Will Snow

I guess I tend to like the 'older' men - well, not that much older, but the ones I like are usually over 40! ;)
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Re: Hot actors and singers picture thread.

okay i can at just three more on this list the only ones i like the most on the moment..

Re: Hot actors and singers picture thread.

hot men, hard to pass up the opportunity to show my loves

tyler hilton,i watched a whole season of one tree hill. just to see him.

jason dorhing. hes married but i still heart him

norman reedus, pure sexiness.
wentworth miller
Hormiga already posted a went pic but hes so gorgeous he can have 2 ha
jon abrahams and joey macintyre. hes joey mac gotta love him
bradley cooper has the most beautiful eyes.
Re: Hot actors and singers picture thread.

^^There's never enough Wentworth Miller. ;)

Enrique Murciano (Without a trace) and:


Eric Close
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Re: Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread

Great pictures everyone. Very yummy indeed, especially them Hugh Laurie ones Luce. ;)

I've changed the title name to include male athletes.

NikkiJamez, I've edited your post and changed one of your images to a URL. We wish to keep to 3 images per post. Many thanks. :)

Also, I just want to put a note here and ask everyone not to quote the images (this is just for future reference), if you wish to quote an image, please change the tags to a URL. :)
Re: Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread

Chris Meloni...just typing his name makes me hott!!! :devil:
Look at the way he fills out this sweater!!! ;)
Re: Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread

Eric Close <3

And awww...Sakis :D He should seriously concentrate on his looks - not singing :D

And JF I can't believe you posted a pic of Freddy! (in old thread) Evil! Evil!

Jürgen Klinsmann <3 :p

Ah and Finnish actor/singer

Mikko Leppilampi

(more pics -> galleria)
Re: Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread

Steven Gerrard. Ducky, this one is for you! :devil:
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Re: Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread

...OOh. I like this thread. :D

Jang Hyuk! :D

Kim rae Won

And dont tell me that they're ugly cos I know they're not! :p
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Re: Hot Actors, Singers & Athletes Picture Thread

Nathalie_Emily, that is a HOT picture of Johnny Depp! :eek:

John Mayer. There's just something about that man. :D

And Adam Brody, because he's just too adorable!