The Dead Thread Reviver (me) strikes again.
A little info before you read this set of quotes.
Most of you probably know what a Twi-heart is but for those who don't: it's someone who is a fan of the Twilight books and movies.
*Sid is talking to Mac. Sid is, as Hawkes put it in one of the first two episodes of season 3, "going to that creepy place again."*
Mac: Sid. Sid!!!
Sid: What?
Mac: Bite me.
Sid: Okay. (tilts his head to the right and bites Mac's right arm half way between the shoulder and the elbow.)
Mac: OW!!! I didn't mean literally!!!
Sid: Well, you shouldn't have said "bite me." Don't you know I'm a
Team Jacob Twi-heart?
Mac: How old are you, Sid? 56? 66?
Sid: What does my age have to do with anything?
Mac: I thought most Twi-hearts were in their teens.
Sid: So, show me where it says Twi-hearts can't be older or younger than 13-19.
Mac(shakes his head and rolls his eyes
then mutter): I give up. I just give up.
*Mac turns and walks off.*
Sid(to himself while watching Mac leave): It never ceases to amaze me how some people can be so narrow minded about some things. Hmm!!!
*Sid turns and starts a new autopsy.*