Hey there guys!
So I guess, this is a perfect thread for me

Jo's character in the show is so great! It even got me! And that is something, as I was a huuuge Stella fan and started to watch the show because of Melina and then Stella, so when I heard that she's leaving the show I gave up watching. I even didn't finish the 6th season. And I wasn't watching for more than 2 years - when I came across new poster or new teaser with Sela Ward I was all pissed and hissing, so trying to hate the "new one". But then I came across Identity Crisis on Polish tv and I decided to give it a try. And I fall in love with Jo Danville

And I started to watch again, in kinda chaotic manner - some 8th season epis, then some 7th season. I didn't manage to see the 7x01 yet - I am a little afraid that mentioning Stella will somehow brake my heart, but I read in fanfics and quotes that it was great epi to introduce Jo, so eventually I will be giving it a try.
Sorry for this long story, I just wanted to share this with someone

But it only proofs how good the creation of this character is - after all I was all against it and really wanted to hate it and yet I couldn't

And the accent! Geeez, I'm not native speaker of English, so I guess it is harder for me to catch things like that, but it is so different than other guy's accents - so warm and with this super cute "twang" as someone wrote in the fanfiction and I love this term till then.
So, I'm not really in the place to say that changing Stella for Jo did good for the show, but I would definitely say, that adding Jo to the crew makes it all even more interesting. And I love the idea that we learnt so much about her personal life during those 2 seasons. I know that some fans are accusing that it is at the expense of the storylines of other characters but of course I have nothing against it.