Lab Technician
Desertwind said:NO Brass has been way out of line many times. And the team has been deeply involed in this from the onset so I totally thought they'd be a part of this and they were~
His daughter Ellie shunned him on and wants no part of him WHY?
He had an affair with a married women~
He was on "The List", in the day~
He was insubordinate with almost everyone at one time or another~
I'm surprised you didn't mention that he killed a cop.
- How does his daughter shunning him or wanting no part of him make him out of line? And how do we know she still feels this way? We haven't seen her in 5 seasons.
- Yes, he had an affair with a married woman. And he dumped her when he found out she was married.
- Yes, he was on the list. Again, how was he out of line? He wasn't guilty of anything and when he was on the case, he cleared it with his CO so there was no conflict of interest.
- There's only one person Brass can be insubordinate with and that's his commanding officer or in this case, the sheriff or the undersheriff, although I've never been clear if he reports to the undersheriff or if they are peers. And yes, he was insubordinate with the sheriff when he went to LA to help his daughter, the one who shunned him, came back when he got shot, ran away and has never been seen again.
I don't think anyone would ever claim they are perfect but up until now Brass has had a pretty good track record. Definitely good enough to make what he did seem out of character. But in his defense Brass is a Marine and he'd probably go to the wall to protect one of his team. In that respect, I can see why he did what he did. And if that's the path the writers wanted to take, who else would have possibly gone that far to protect Ray?
Honestly, I'll be shocked if PG signs on for more than a few episodes in S12 so what better way than to use this as a catalyst for Brass to retire?