Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #20- "Save Me From Myself"

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

The deadline of Saturday, February 5, is fast approaching! :D Anyone writing?
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

It's still four days away! I won't finish until Friday at the earliest. More likely Saturday afternoon. :D

I do have my story fully outlined, and all but one scene more or less written. I still have to write that last scene (and figure out what exactly it is), probably fill out a couple of the other scenes a bit more, and then revise a bit.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

I don't think I'll manage to get a story in this time :( Not much time for writing at the moment... too busy making arrangements for moving into my first own appartment!!! :D But of course I'm busy working on my thesis too! :shifty:

I'll read and review the stories though! I hope you all get your stories done because I can't wait to read them! :thumbsup:
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

It's still four days away! I won't finish until Friday at the earliest. More likely Saturday afternoon. :D

I do have my story fully outlined, and all but one scene more or less written. I still have to write that last scene (and figure out what exactly it is), probably fill out a couple of the other scenes a bit more, and then revise a bit.'re close? :lol:

If I get one done it will be a last minute rush.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Hi All,

Hope this finds everyone doing well, and the cold and snowy weather hasn't completely frozen you.

Ok, here's the deal...I wrote a story for the songfic challenge, but it's way over the word count (like double) and not to be a poo poo head about it, but it's dang near immpossible to cut it down. So that being said, and if it's ok with everyone...I'm just going to post it on the site with my other stories, but only if it's ok with everyone else.

Let me know what ya all think, and try to stay warm for goodness sake.:)

Take Care,

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Looking forward to reading your story, Kelli! I'm glad you wrote something and I hope you post it on FF.'d BETTER post it! :lol:

Okay everyone...deadline is tonight, but I won't put them up until tomorrow afternoon, so if you think you need that last little bit of time, feel free to send them tomorrow. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Thanks Smokey, I'll go ahead and post the story on FF. :)

If anyone would like to read it, the stories title is "Walking on Air" by But a Chance.

Sorry the story became so long winded, and I couldn't join the challenge.

Take Care All,

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Nick Fic Song Challenge
Round 17


Ladies and gentlemen, presenting round 17 of the Nick Fic Song Challenge! Thanks to everyone who participated! :)

Here are a few guidelines for reading and reviewing:

1. Remember, for now the stories are anonymous. Please do not reveal which story you wrote. We will unveil the authors next Sunday, February 13.

2. Story authors/participants - Please leave feedback for each story. That's why we're doing we can learn from each other and improve as we go along. And because this is anonymous for now, please remember to leave some feedback for your own story too. :)

3. Lurkers - You are most welcome to read and review the stories too! We just ask that you follow and respect the guidelines here as well. The exception is that you may leave reviews for as few or as many stories as you like. (Authors - Please do not take offense if a lurker reviews only one or two stories or does not review yours.)

4. Please make your feedback as positive and constructive as possible. Constructive means that it's meant to be helpful and it's said in a nice way. There will be zero tolerance for meanness here from anyone.

5. Please try to make your feedback a little more than just "Good job" or "Nice story". We all look forward to hearing some thoughtful input on our work. :) And for now let's focus on the content of the story more so than the format, grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. For some people this is their first fic and/or English may not be their first language, and those are all things that a good beta could fix if this weren't a challenge. :)

6. Feedback should be posted here in this thread and can be done all in one post or in several posts.

7. Remember, we aren't voting for favorites on this or anything. We're just reading, reviewing, and enjoying! :)

8. Attention readers! Feedback posts will probably contain spoilers. If you do not want to be spoiled, do not read the feedback until after you read the stories.

And now, what you've all been waiting for...round 17 of the Nick Fic Song Challenge! Click on the "Believe it or Not" link on the left to read the stories.

Note: If you see an error in your story or any problems on the page, please PM Smokey ASAP.
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Highway Signs - Love the title first of all. I liked the look on how Nick first started at the lab. Adding in that he couldn't go before any cases where his parents were working was really interesting. Good fic. :)

Believe It Or Not - I really like Cath and Nick's friendship. Ending with him singing along with the radio reminds me of the the scene of him singing to the radio in Grave Danger, only this is a happier occassion. :)
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Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Highway Signs - I really like this little story of how Nick came to Vegas. It's very plausible...the part about always having to think about running into his folks in court. I especially like the part where Nick doesn't call his dad by his nickname, and that his dad picks up on it and reciprocates. :) Nice job!

Believe it or Not
- Aw...Nick's the new supervisor! I like the "transition" part of this...the talk between Nick and Catherine. I can see it transpiring this way if/when it ever happens on the show. And I like that Lou and Cath are going to live happily ever after judging by his reaction to her news. Nice story!
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Highway Signs - Nice story. I like the reasoning behind Nick coming to Vegas, and how he's "growing up," becoming more independent and moving away from home.

Believe It or Not - Great story. I can see it happening like that. I like how Nick's not sure he's ready for it, even though everyone else knows he is. :)
Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Highway Sings

I loved your story from beginning to end. :thumbsup:The beginning of the story and the way you deftly painted the picture of Nick driving to his new life was well done. The next section, where Nick has to settle for what he can get (so to speak) was very believable, and explains his need to leave home.

The third part, truly spoke of Nick Stokes, his parents, and his family connection. They are a tough as nails, yet fair, kind, and empathetic group of people. The part where Nick tosses the keys to his old car to his father, for his nephew to use, was exactly the Nick Stokes character we all know and love.

The final section was perfect...The big interview...Jim and Grissom acknowledging Nick as a valuable addition to their team, was spot on. Great story, good use of the idea of the song. :thumbsup:

Believe it or Not

I'd like to see a version of this story when Catherine does give up her reign as supervisor on the show. I enjoyed the easy banter between Catherine and Nick, those two have always seemed to have a special bond.

In the second part (Nick's first official day as Supervisor) is an event I doubt we'll ever see on the show, but one you wrote so well that I can actually visualize it, and will hold that memory as what truly happened (when it does.) :thumbsup:

I also loved that you included a bit of Grissom, which was absolutely believable, and Nick's parents. I'm a sucker for Nick and his parent reunions. :thumbsup: Great job, well done.

I apologize to everyone that my story became very wordy (unfocused most would say), and I wasn't able to post it here. :( What can I say other than, I lacked the ability to cut the word count down once it was finished. I think I need someone to Beta my stories, I need to get to the point, and quit with the blah...blah...blah. :lol: Anyway, I loved the two stories written for the challenge, though I wish more writer's would've participated.

Phenomenal job to the two writer's who wrote for the challenge. Kudos to you. :beer:

Take Care All,

Re: Nick Fic Song Challenge Thread #2- Ch #17- "Believe It Or Not"

Kelli, your story wasn't too "wordy"....just too many words for this challenge. :lol: But I encourage everyone to go to and read it. It was great!