Episode 9x01 - "Fallen" ***CONTAINS SPOILERS***

So... Jessie's a goner. Just another huge mistake in a show that continues to collapse from a Miami skyscraper to a small smoothie hut. It's really sad that Miami isn't showing any signs of improving. I understand that this is the less-serious show of the franchise, but every "new" direction they say they're going to take the show proves to be one big ass mistake.

Couldn't have said it better myself. I was really hoping with what I saw in Season 8 that Miami was getting better, I was so excited and looking forward to Season 9 when Eddie's departure and Adam's return was announced. It isn't that I hated Adam/Eric, it's just that I'm sick of him being always the front burner and others barely having any story!

The producers have ended up killing two of its strongest male characters--Speedle and Jessie--even when the actors themselves asked not to go out in such a drastic manner.

Oh and let's not forget years later they had the audacity to ask Rory to come back and film the Season 8 flashback premiere after how they pretty much forced him out of TV for like 4 years. Is it any wonder Rory refused to come back. I just wish Adam had the same conviction, clearly not.

Season seven finale: Eric is shot. We find out over the summer that Adam was not planning on coming back full time, but rather he would do seven guest appearances to wrap up his storyline (that number turned in to waaaaay more). Ann Donahue said that both her and Adam did not want Eric to die (remember: he was SHOT in the HEAD. Two times within a two season period). Eddie Cibrian joins the show, and for the first time in seasons, there's a brief glimmer of hope that young and preppy Miami could return to its roots. That light at the end of the tunnel was nothing but a mirage.

I could care less if Eric was to die or not, but all those promise of future stories for Jesse and how we were gonna find out about the wife murder and backstory, those are just simply empty promises. A lie. Whatever light they were "shining" at the end of the tunnel, it's clearly been turned off.

We're now at season nine where it is once again the Super H and Eric 'Jimmy Olson' Delko show. Carrot Top and Sexy Colombian are Miami Dade County's true heroes. As if...

I don't mind seeing Carrot Top all the time, I mean, technically he is the lead, so I can deal with that, I mean, last season there was a reduced in Carrot Top's screentime, so he wasn't too super. But I guess the network just had to have their golden boy back with Eric. I honestly think his stories have run dry as the Sahara desert. There may be a few cactus left....:lol:

I feel for Eddie Cibrian, whose character (a cop) died while hitting his head. I do wish I could have whatever superpowers Eric has. He must have some Hulk Hogan/The Rock/Sylvester Stallone/Arnold Schwarzenegger sort of genes to avoid death by multiple gunshot injuries. Here's hoping Eddie lands a project that is worthy of his talent.

Yes here I was wondering the same thing! I've fallen and hit my head many times and I haven't died yet, but apparently Jesse's head is made of jelly because it broke as soon as it touched the ground. What is Eric's head made of? Steel? Because apparently no amount of bullet wound has stopped this dude from dying yet.

- Adam gets the "and..." credit. Figures. :rolleyes:

Well, he HAD to replace Eddie Cibrian in the titles, it's only FAIR after all...:rolleyes:

- Couldn't help but wonder if Speedle and Jessie would engage in "fun" times where ever they are. :p Or just appear in more of Eric's hallucinations somewhere down the line.

I'm sure Speed and Jesse are probably having the time of their lives up in the clouds sipping cappuccino, and being really glad that they are not being dragged into the silly dramatic lives of the people living downstairs.

If Eric has anymore hallucinations, I suggest mental ward. Or better yet, maybe he can "fall" and "hit his head" and then join them up in the clouds!

- Death Cab for Cutie was a nice touch at the end.

Yes, very nice touch, considering Jesse is a cutie and he did have to take a cab to death.

I find it interesting that being a member of this forum for quite a long time now I never noticed that Eddie Cibrian was so popular - only when they've decided to kill him off. All of a sudden he has so many fans now, but not in season 8, where i would say there was a lot of negativity towards him(because Adam left he got blamed for that). Now Adam is back and he gets blamed for killing off Jesse. I don't mind him, but I prefer Adam over him anytime. What I think is unfair, is that they've decided to kill him off, giving him no chance for guest appearances(oh well, looking at what happened to Riley, Tara, Wendy, Sofia, Haylen etc it's kind of relief for me that it's not Emily or Eva gone). They could use him in future episodes, he could be a guest star sometimes. Instead, what a lame death. Unnecessary.

I've always been a Jesse fan from the very beginning, in fact, he was the reason I stuck around to watch Season 8. I had gone on a long sabbatical from the show since Speed died, I came back because I thought the premiere looked interesting and immediately was drawn to Jesse. He became the reason I started watching this show again, and I was so excited to see more of his backstory in the future, but instead they just cut him off now that Adam is back. That angers me.

I've never been a big Eric fan, he always was too whiny and way too hotheaded for me. To me, he was too immature, and I was glad that the show had a fresh air from him, but of course, no amount of Adam promising that no one would be kicked off the show was gonna convince that when he was announced to be coming back again, that poor Eddie wasn't gonna be the casualty for his return.

I would have been okay if they had just him leave and open to more possible guest spots in the future, that death was simply lame.

I'm hoping that they will give Natalia more screentime as they promise, but I wonder if they will do it with Ryan too. He is clearly very popular, if not the most popular character on the show at the moment.

I wouldn't put too much belief into their "promises", I have come to learn that it means nothing. They "promised" more Jesse stories too, that there was gonna be a dramatic showdown between Jesse and the guy who killed his wife, and that more backstories were down the line in Season 9, well, guess how well that all turned out?

Miami's got only eyes for Horatio, Eric, and Calleigh, everyone else is just canon fodder.

Anyway, can someone tell me what the basketball scene was about?It's not completely clear for me why it took place at all...

Walter and Jesse planned to play a game of basketball that night, like they had done in one of episodes in Season 8, but since Jesse died, the ending left Walter on the basketball court all by himself until the whole team showed up and all decided to play a game in Jesse's honor.
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Anyway, can someone tell me what the basketball scene was about?It's not completely clear for me why it took place at all...

At the end of the episode Walter is playing basketball, where both Walter and Jesse were supposed to be playing that day. Horatio shows up and Walter asks how he knew he'd be there. Horatio responds "Where else would you be?" Everyone else shows up and they divide in to teams. Calleigh sticks to the sidelines and acts like a referee. Horatio makes a basketball into the hoop and says "This is for you, Jesse."

Cute scene.
^^ That was such a cheezy line, but I loved it anyway. The whole scene was great & made up for the intro.

I'll start there -- while I loved Natalia & Horatio fighting to keep Jesse alive, I hated how short the grief was. Leaving us on Jesse's lifeless face while playing the beginning of The Who felt very off to me, almost rude & disrespectful. There should've been a moment of silence, softer music, something.

Eric's walk-of-near-death: Everyone in the lab coughs & immediatly loses conscousness yet he drags his feet across the lab acting like he's been shot in the gut...."aiir, aiir". A bit over-dramatic, IMO. Adam needs to tone it down some (yelling & screaming at the suspects was OTT as well).

Jesse's death/COD was just lame. They made it sound like he'd been murdered, one on one murder, not killed by "hitting his head". :rolleyes:
I was highly disappointed with that.

I enjoyed the case itself. Good twists thrown in, but not much came to any surprise. Keith & Horatio were hysterical -- I loved Horatio dragging him off by the hair...that was too funny. Love that man.

Ryan could've used a little more airtime.
Frank was more present, which is always good. Last season really sucked for him.
New lab girl -- not liking her.
Great to see Dave & Travers.
Walter was a pleasant surprise -- his grief over Jesse was sad; Omar played it sweet & subtle (I admit, I teared up when they showed the basketball flashbacks).

Looping back to the ending scene - it made up for what was lacking in the intro. The team together playing ball in Jesse's honor was truly a highlight of the episode. And it wasn't just to honor Jesse, but to show newbie Walter that they're there for him as well. In the short time he's been there he's seen the team as disjointed as we have, & it was painfully obvious in his "some team" comment from 'Time Bomb' -- Walter needed that ending moment, probably just as much as the fans did.

Grade: solid A (the first A in many, many, many years)
Natalia crying made me cry.

I knew they'd put Adam at the end of the credits with the "and".

What was up with the guitar riff music when it came back from the first commercial? That seemed a tiny bit out of place in this episode.

I don't think we've seen this lab tech before. Cynthia Wells is usually the QD girl and I like her better, so why not just bring her back? Was Brooke Bloom not available at the time or something?

I still miss Valera! Not that there was really need for a DNA tech in this episode, but even still I hope she comes back at some point this season... or at least gets a mention about why she's not there. I hate when characters fade away without mention (the Sofia Curtis factor), especially when they've been on there off and on since almost the beginning. BRING VALERA BACK!

"Throw his ass in solitary!" - Woohoo! Go, H!

His "why couldn't they revive him?" was sad.

Walter talking to Jesse... aww, poor Walter.

DAVE!!! :D

Loved Ryan and Eric doing the math scene. :)

Haha, they put Sterling in a straight jacket.

Nice tackle (on the janitor), Eric.

"When someone lies to me, it really, really hurts my feelings" - LOL!

"I'm English; Byron's in my blood." - LOL. ILU, Travers!

Predictably, Melissa is the accomplice.

Liked the scene with Calleigh/Jesse when she said something like "have a good trip". Although the "good trip" part made me think of the Ferryman thing.

It was smart to put a decoy wire on Melissa and to have the actual wire in her belt.

Horatio saying "Jesse Cardoza was our friend" was a nice touch.

The "I need you so much closer" song... I could swear that they've used that on Miami before... I just can't remember what episode.

Ryan: I'm on Walter's team because frankly, Calleigh and I bet money on this. :lol:

It was a funny/cute line, but at the same time Ryan is still a recovering gambling addict. But then again, Nick and Warrick were always betting each other things on CSI: Vegas and Warrick was also a recovering gambling addict.

Love the basketball scene so much. The show needs more of these kinds of scenes.
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^I still don't understand why the show keeps replacing established lab techs that fans love. Tyler, Valera, and so many others have just disappeared. Where are they?! :lol:

And as for where you've heard the song before, it was played during the ending scenes as well in "Death Pool 100."
Couldn't have said it better myself. I was really hoping with what I saw in Season 8 that Miami was getting better, I was so excited and looking forward to Season 9 when Eddie's departure and Adam's return was announced. It isn't that I hated Adam/Eric, it's just that I'm sick of him being always the front burner and others barely having any story!

I was thrilled when I heard that Delko was leaving for a number of reasons! I'm not a fan of Delko's childishness. His screaming and losing it all of the time is annoying to say the least. Who would want an officer with so little self-control and lack of professionalism to respond when they need help? Not me!

E/C. Enough said.

People call Horatio "Super"????. :wtf: At least Horatio hasn't survived bullets to the head like he just stubbed his toe! :rolleyes:

Delko leaving was a chance for a new start for the show. Timing was perfect as was the casting of the new character. Cibrian is handsome, charming and a very good actor (I'll agree this is in the eye of the beholder - as are the opinions of those who think Rodriguez is all that). Rodriguez should have been flattered that interviewer compared him to Cibrian. There was tremendous potential if his character had been allowed to establish himself without the constant interference of Delko rearing his ugly head. Jesse was never given a fair chance to connect with the audience.

The producers have ended up killing two of its strongest male characters--Speedle and Jessie--even when the actors themselves asked not to go out in such a drastic manner.

Oh and let's not forget years later they had the audacity to ask Rory to come back and film the Season 8 flashback premiere after how they pretty much forced him out of TV for like 4 years. Is it any wonder Rory refused to come back. I just wish Adam had the same conviction, clearly not.

I could care less if Eric was to die or not, but all those promise of future stories for Jesse and how we were gonna find out about the wife murder and backstory, those are just simply empty promises. A lie. Whatever light they were "shining" at the end of the tunnel, it's clearly been turned off.

I laughed my butt off when Rory declined the offer to come back (put them in a bit of a spot, didn't he! :guffaw:). Good for him. CBS and TPTB treated him badly when he left and he allowed himself the dignity (loyalty is not a factor - TPTB showed no loyalty to him) to turn his back on them when they wanted him back. You're right, BauerAlmeida, that's clearly not the case with Delko's return. Then again, Rory doesn't appear to be suffering for offers and therefore has no need to come back.

I don't mind seeing Carrot Top all the time, I mean, technically he is the lead, so I can deal with that, I mean, last season there was a reduced in Carrot Top's screentime, so he wasn't too super. But I guess the network just had to have their golden boy back with Eric. I honestly think his stories have run dry as the Sahara desert. There may be a few cactus left....:lol:

I don't mind seeing David at all. He's the main reason I watch the show. I DON'T, however, want to see his character tied to the hip with Delko in every episode. Last night I thought I was going to scream if I heard Horatio say "Eric" one more time (like we'd forgotten who he is or something? :confused:) - and it was only the first episode with no relief in sight.

Yes here I was wondering the same thing! I've fallen and hit my head many times and I haven't died yet, but apparently Jesse's head is made of jelly because it broke as soon as it touched the ground. What is Eric's head made of? Steel? Because apparently no amount of bullet wound has stopped this dude from dying yet.

Exactly! Everyone who keeps dissing Horatio for being "Super" needs to take another look. 'Cause that label belongs to someone else now!

Well, he HAD to replace Eddie Cibrian in the titles, it's only FAIR after all...:rolleyes:

Expected, but still not pleasant to see. :(

I've always been a Jesse fan from the very beginning, in fact, he was the reason I stuck around to watch Season 8. I had gone on a long sabbatical from the show since Speed died, I came back because I thought the premiere looked interesting and immediately was drawn to Jesse. He became the reason I started watching this show again, and I was so excited to see more of his backstory in the future, but instead they just cut him off now that Adam is back. That angers me.

Like you, BauerAlmeida, I too was a Jesse fan from the beginning. I was thrilled when I heard Eddie was coming on and Rodriguez was leaving. I thought it was a chance at some new life. And when I saw the first part of the season, and the "team" working together (especially the relationship of Jesse/Ryan/Walter) I was even more thrilled! But then Delko kept "popping" in and I knew we were in trouble.

I've never been a big Eric fan, he always was too whiny and way too hotheaded for me. To me, he was too immature, and I was glad that the show had a fresh air from him, but of course, no amount of Adam promising that no one would be kicked off the show was gonna convince that when he was announced to be coming back again, that poor Eddie wasn't gonna be the casualty for his return.

I would have been okay if they had just him leave and open to more possible guest spots in the future, that death was simply lame.

Agree totally with your assessment of Delko. While it would NEVER be my choice (my first choice is for Delko to go and Jesse to stay) it would have been nice if they had set up Jesse's departure to allow for him to come back once in a while. But it's not to be. Like Rory, Eddie is kicked to the curb with no consideration.

I'm hoping that they will give Natalia more screentime as they promise, but I wonder if they will do it with Ryan too. He is clearly very popular, if not the most popular character on the show at the moment.

I wouldn't put too much belief into their "promises", I have come to learn that it means nothing. They "promised" more Jesse stories too, that there was gonna be a dramatic showdown between Jesse and the guy who killed his wife, and that more backstories were down the line in Season 9, well, guess how well that all turned out?

Miami's got only eyes for Horatio, Eric, and Calleigh, everyone else is just canon fodder.

You've got that right. Although I'd go so far to say that they've just this season remembered Horatio, after him being canon fodder for the last two seasons. I do have to say with what I'm hearing in the spoilers I don't know that I'm happy with where they plan to take him. Marisol? Tied to Delko in every case?? :rolleyes::rolleyes: While it's better than what we've seen be the focus for the last 4 seasons, it's definitely NOT my first choice of a storyline for Horatio. I'd rather the head of the team mix it up and team up with ALL of this team and not just one. They need to STOP all this focusing on Delko as the "star" of the team. Team Horatio up with Ryan and Natalia. Both have proved they have they are much more worthy.

Jesse was, too. :(
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^I still don't understand why the show keeps replacing established lab techs that fans love. Tyler, Valera, and so many others have just disappeared. Where are they?! :lol:

Tyler was okay, but I really liked Sam Bellmontes or whatever his name was (played by Cristian de La Fuente - not sure about the spelling of his last name) too. But it irks me that Valera had been there since like Season 2 and she doesn't get a sendoff and just disappears. I mean even Cooper got a sendoff... not a good one because I loved that character and they made him like that in the end? Ugh.

And as for where you've heard the song before, it was played during the ending scenes as well in "Death Pool 100."

It was that long ago? How in the world did I ever remember that? :lol: Must have just saw a repeat of that one not too long ago or something. :lol:
OMG I loved Travers He is way to funny and H. looking like WTH while Travers does that poem great xD. The whole episode was great especially the teamwork. And the basketball and the begin scene was very sad but very great. I wasn't a real big fan of Jesse but still it's sad to go out of the world like that. At least We got still Eric NAd I loved Natalia in this episode <3
OMG! Why everyone keeps changing their nicknames? ;) It's so confusing :D Temporary thing, right?
thanks BauerAlmeida and formerly Vegaslights(sorry, your current nick is too difficult to remember for me ;)) . not sure i like that ending then. i appreciate a bit of lightening up dark and dramatic CSIM, but not sure THAT was a moment for it. Anyway, have to see it to judge.
OMG! Why everyone keeps changing their nicknames? ;) It's so confusing :D Temporary thing, right?
thanks BauerAlmeida and formerly Vegaslights(sorry, your current nick is too difficult to remember for me ;)) . not sure i like that ending then. i appreciate a bit of lightening up dark and dramatic CSIM, but not sure THAT was a moment for it. Anyway, have to see it to judge.
It's for halloween xD but in our location is our real name
First let me start by saying that I am first and foremost a CSI: NY fan, but also watched Miami some of last season. The season finale made me want to see how they played it out. Since I don't follow the show closely, I wasn't aware of them killing Jesse off. That didn't bother me because I didn't care for that character that much.

As for the premiere, I was confused because I had slept a few times and didn't remember anything except the people choking and passing out. I think they could've done a better job at recapping the professor/phd canidate/a prior crimes of the CSIs falling.

However, after finally remembering the cases, the episode improved slightly. The biggest problem I had was the M.E. doing an autopsy one of their own. I don't think any real police dept. would have that happen. Or have coworkers there with the body. I could be wrong, but it just struck me as unethical and impossible.

So overall, I watched the premiere but will probably only watch a few episodes of Miami. The timeslot is irksome as well, considering football usually screws up the timing and all.
As for the premiere, I was confused because I had slept a few times and didn't remember anything except the people choking and passing out. I think they could've done a better job at recapping the professor/phd canidate/a prior crimes of the CSIs falling.

Well, the recap is very much Miami-style and I thought it was quite easy to understand what was going on. Maybe I'm just used to it and I know the storylines.

However, after finally remembering the cases, the episode improved slightly. The biggest problem I had was the M.E. doing an autopsy one of their own. I don't think any real police dept. would have that happen. Or have coworkers there with the body. I could be wrong, but it just struck me as unethical and impossible.

He was the police department's ME, it is allowed, it's not like they are going to hire some random ME. So no, it's not wrong that the ME was doing the autopsy as that is his job, he does the autopsy for all the bodies that comes through the cases relating to Miami PD. And having co-workers around isn't that impossible or unethical as they were there to say goodbye or get him ready.

I don't mind seeing David at all. He's the main reason I watch the show. I DON'T, however, want to see his character tied to the hip with Delko in every episode. Last night I thought I was going to scream if I heard Horatio say "Eric" one more time (like we'd forgotten who he is or something? :confused:) - and it was only the first episode with no relief in sight.

I don't mind David at all, I find him to be very dashing and sweet! And I LOVE his hair!!! It's like a signal light!:lol:

I love how Horatio is amazing with children and victims or their families, and I love that Horatio can appear threatening without even raising his voice or lifting a finger. I love watching Horatio, hell I could watch him all day, but if Eric is gonna be there all the time whining about his next dramatic life story, I may have to cry and run away.

Exactly! Everyone who keeps dissing Horatio for being "Super" needs to take another look. 'Cause that label belongs to someone else now!

I'm just confused on how by simply falling onto the ground, that Jesse could suffer cerebral hemorrhaging. I mean, seriously, they would have done better just sticking to that he died of oxygen deprivation, at least I could believe that since Jesse had fallen right next to the floor vents that was releasing the gas so that he had the gas blowing in his face whereas the others didn't. But they just HAD to mention he hit his head and that it might have caused him to not be revived.

I have a friend who falls down the stairs at her house all the time and she hasn't broken a thing, worst was a concussion, and I'm suppose to believe that Jesse's brain got clunked around so badly simply because he fell to the ground? And NO ONE else in that darn lab hit their head when they fell?

Hell, Calleigh had Eric fall ON TOP of her, and she seems to be just fine and dandy! :shifty:

Maybe I should have warn Jesse to wear a helmet or something!

At least with Speed, he was shot in the chest, that's a believable death despite I hate that they killed him. But seriously, Jesse may not have been revived because he HIT his head? Did Jesse fall off the roof when I wasn't noticing?:wtf:

I guess the saving grace of that was the actors did a great job acting out those scenes. Eddie sure play the "dead" part well!:)
I'll start off by saying, I didn't catch the entire episode last night because of my research paper. :eek: That being said, I did sort of enjoy most of what I saw.

I'm going to agree with vegaslights (sorry, your Halloween name is too long for me to remember this early in the morning :lol:) that the directing was nauseating and could be toned down a notch. I'm getting a little tired of having to look through the various glass walls and trees adorning the set--it's bad enough we have to look through the glass of the camera itself and try to get our bearings.

Some good points, however were Natalia's reaction to Jesse's death and Walter's moment with him in the morgue. I thought both actors did really well with the material and hey, even Cibrian did great as a dead guy! :lol:

I'll join in on most of the sentiments and say that it was a cheap way for Jesse to go, but at least the actor can say he's left an already sinking ship. I wish I had a more optimistic view of Miami's future but judging by the premiere (and keep in mind, I didn't see the whole episode), I can't say the show's going to improve much. Maybe they'll surprise me but I've been saying that for 5 years. Last year sort of gave me the hope and ripped it away before I could blink.

Ending on a more positive note--it was nice to see Horatio a little more emotional and believably so.
Well, the recap is very much Miami-style and I thought it was quite easy to understand what was going on. Maybe I'm just used to it and I know the storylines.

He was the police department's ME, it is allowed, it's not like they are going to hire some random ME. So no, it's not wrong that the ME was doing the autopsy as that is his job, he does the autopsy for all the bodies that comes through the cases relating to Miami PD. And having co-workers around isn't that impossible or unethical as they were there to say goodbye or get him ready.

Yeah, I figured the show would've made more since if I'd watched the season finale prior to the new one, or remembered much from the season before.

That makes since. It would be odd for any of them I suppose to do an autopsy on their coworker. At least he was one of the newer cops on the show. Again I'm new to this csi, but did the actor who played Jesse want more moeny or why did they kill him off so soon?
Country233 said:
Again I'm new to this csi, but did the actor who played Jesse want more moeny or why did they kill him off so soon?

If I recall correctly, TPTB wanted to return to its core characters (y'know, the ones they've been concentrating on exclusively for the last 8 years give or take :rolleyes:) and explore them instead. I have my doubts about that as the real reason, but it's the official report.


Forgot to add this in my review of the episode, but I'm a bit miffed they didn't change the opening credits aside from taking out Cibrian and adding Rodriguez. If they were going to do that, they may as well have overhauled the entire thing and had it flow a little better. *sigh* It's not the most important part of the show, but it sort of shows how dedicated they are to keeping CSI:Miami fresh.