I'm also excited for the final 2 episodes of this season ... It looks like there's going to be a lot of intrigue and tension ... the stuff that good crime dramas are made of!:lol: And while the Season 9 previews are certainly interesting, they're not going to keep me biting my nails over the summer. TPTB, esp. Dube & O'Brien, are notorious for giving fans over-hyped "sneak previews."

So, with that in mind, I'm not going to assume that a core character of CSIM won't make it back next season. For all we know, the person that "falls down" and doesn't get up will turn out to be some file clerk or junior lab tech.

I'm being a bit facetious, but believe me, with all the let-downs we've had in the past, I wouldn't put anything past the writers!:guffaw:
ec4evr, thanks for posting the link to the Canadian promo. As usual, it's longer and "juicier" than the US one. Next week's eppy looks like it's going to be something else! :thumbsup: I'm really looking forward to seeing how everything unfolds ...