Prime Suspect
The true shame in all of this is how much of an ill-effect that misplaced (IMO) E/C Dislike thread in the main "Crime Scene" CSI Miami section (not the Debate/Dislike thread in Shipper Central/"Explorations"), is causing on morale all across the forum. It's gotten to the point where I hesitate to go to the general CSI Miami section of this board because the strong anti-E/C sentiment from a few repeat-offenders has spilled over and polluted other parts of the board, like the general CSIM Spoilers thread, the Adam Rodriguez is Back thread, and others. It's almost as though the dislikers (I hope this term is OK) feel empowered by the fact that much of what they say in E/C Dislike thread (including the curse word I noticed there yesterday) is overlooked or lightly reprimanded; so they now feel free to take their inappropriate conduct elsewhere on the forum. So it's not really just a matter of staying out of the E/C Dislike thread.:brickwall: But Adorable_Crazy and kinkapoodles, as you correctly pointed out, I realize that each thread/section has different moderators who monitor at different levels. (A couple of days ago, one of the CSINY Shipper Central threads was temporarily closed just b/c a couple of posters didn't comply with the "post at least 3 lines on-topic" rule!
). I don't think I'm alone when I say that I appreciate the great job both of you do in monitoring Shipper Central; so much so that I wish the same level of vigilance would be exercised elsewhere. But that's an issue for another day, and another thread, I suppose.
For now, I'm going to try my best to look past the negativity and concentrate on my favorite couple. If it means that my freedom to navigate elsewhere on Talk CSI is limited, then so be it. Speaking of our Hiphuggers ...
New fic - Mar. 15, 2010: "A Dozen Years of 'Almosts': an E/C Retrospective" (Rated T/PG-13)
Summary: Based partly on *SPOILERS* from episode 8.20. A retrospective of my favorite Calleigh & Eric "missed opportunity" scenes/moments throughout the series, told from Eric's POV as he sits vigil by her hospital bed in "Backfire."
For now, I'm going to try my best to look past the negativity and concentrate on my favorite couple. If it means that my freedom to navigate elsewhere on Talk CSI is limited, then so be it. Speaking of our Hiphuggers ...
Emily was probably just half-joking about Jake possibly coming back in the future. And if he does, I can't see him breaking up Calleigh & Eric either. One of the reasons Calleigh gave Eric for dating Jake rather than him back in "Born to Kill" was that she and Eric worked directly together. Of course, they now no longer work together, and besides, that ship has already sailed, since Calleigh and Eric established an intimate relationship during Season 7, even when he was still at CSI. So if Jake does show up, it'll probably be as nothing more than a catalyst to bring Calleigh and Eric even closed together, maybe in the form of a marriage proposal.:luvlove: Besides, there was an attraction of sorts between Calleigh and Jake, but nothing close to the deep, palpable connection between herself and Eric, stemming from years of being best friends, and, of course, their long-standing, sizzling chemistry.:drool:
New fic - Mar. 15, 2010: "A Dozen Years of 'Almosts': an E/C Retrospective" (Rated T/PG-13)
Summary: Based partly on *SPOILERS* from episode 8.20. A retrospective of my favorite Calleigh & Eric "missed opportunity" scenes/moments throughout the series, told from Eric's POV as he sits vigil by her hospital bed in "Backfire."
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