Thanks, sounds very promising indeed. Good to see Hawkes is getting into the thick of things!
Only caveats:
- I hope part of this whole Shane Casey thing is that he does not somehow escape, and he becomes another nemesis on the loose. Again. And if that's the cliffhanger, will they or won't they catch him... bleh.
- I hope the badge issue is brought up before this particular episode and it's not just sprung in here
Grt Line in Scene tonight-- Hawkes: "Sid, we're not always right, but not always because we're wrong." CSI: NY writer's are doing a grt job!
Il y a about 3 hours from UberTwitter
1) Yay, any Sid/Hawkes scenes are welcome scenes
2) I'm glad there's writing that the cast is excited about, hopefully it all translates to a coupla great eppies to round out a rather uneven season.
Wow, that sounds like an amazing episode! So awesome to see something like that for Hawkes--nice to see him take center stage, and sounds like a really intense ep!
I do kind of wonder how Shane got Danny's badge/dog tags, got his prints on the dog tags and sold them all from jail. I guess we'll find out soon enough...
I guess it's possible that Casey will have a small army of minions at his brilliantly and insidiously manipulative disposal to help pull the strings that have made at least Danny dance, and perhaps a few more by the time this episode is done.
Looking forward to seeing how a Hawkes-centric story will also mesh with the re-emergence of Shane Casey, who to this point has only targeted Messer.
All that said, my first flash was to the NCIS ep where McGee was trapped in the women's prison riot.

. This sounds as though it has the potential to be both a good mystery and provide some pithy stuff for Sheldon.
TV Guide:
What's next for Mac and Stella on CSI: NY? They were so cute in the episode called "Second Chances." — Meg
ADAM: Well, Mac is going to have some tough decisions in the love department. You see, just as soon as viewers get used to the idea of him and guest-star Madchen Amick settling into some kind of relationship, Mac will be forced to choose between her and another woman very well known to fans of the show. We know who, but we're not saying... yet. Hit the comments with your guesses.
I personally hope this means Peyton is coming back.
Oh fer the lovafrickinchrist, must they be so damn
coy with alla this? The whole "'very well' known" qualifier? :lol:. Bastards.
I hope it may be referring to Peyton. But who knows. Can't say any of Mac's other ...erm, vaguely flirtatious encounters, were with characters one could say are Very Well Known to viewers.
If it means a choice between the new ER doc and for some reason Stella in some personal dilemna, I'll hurl. I'll hurl the contents of my stomach, something at the teevee, possibly the teevee itself... :lol: Unless they're wrapping up the series, any other implications will lead to a bit of a mess. For me and the show both... :lol:
I also liked Peyton, so wouldn't mind her somehow being a factor in all this. They wouldn't even hafta necessarily have Claire Forlani make any sort of return to the show to be a wrench in the works, simply reference her thru writing. Could be interesting.
Mac's come a long way since S1

I suppose the only thing that gives me slight pause, beyond even considering Stella as some factor, is the fact that Mac's new relationshiop will apparently be moved to a regular and settled thing in a relatively swift fashion before he must ultimately choose a direction to puruse., one way or another.
Hope the casting sparks enough to make it crackle.
It won't be Stella.

It just wouldn't work. But I can see Payton or what about Jillian from season 5.

What about Mac's stalker Ella.
Oh. God.
I would be hurling so much more if Ella makes a return :lol:.
Or -- Mac and Lindsay no longer fight their chemistry and have an affair.
I just hurled a teeny tad of my coffee.
PA :lol:. Thanks ever so much. Now I feel both nauseous
and lacking caffiene before my meal break ends and the madness begins again.
Danny finds out and divorces her and Flack is there to pick up the pieces. They finally realize they have feelings for one another that go beyond friendship and all four have a combined marriage/commitment ceremony, find a nice duplex to live in and share custody of Lucy.
Well. At least there'd be a happy ending somewheres :lol:.
ETA: I don't think Jane or Jillian or Quinn or Ella or anyone else I'm not thinking of would be considered "very well known" to the average NY fan. I think the only three women who are would be Stella, Peyton and Claire and Claire is dead and sure as hell better stay that way.
Seconded there. 'nuff said.
Hurling myself into the rest of the day. Wuz a more fun pass thru than the usual. Int'restin' stuff.
