a few replies and then my own thoughts (which will probably be already covered but hey!)
Overall, I think being the middle of the three shows means NY gets the short end of the stick. They're not kicking this story off, they're not wrapping it up, they're just kind of bridging the gap and so far it hasn't even been in a way that seems necessary to the overall plot. Ultimately that might change when they finish the story, and I had some fun watching it, but by the time this episode ended they didn't feel any closer or father from the resolution to me.
yeah, i agree, all stories need a beginning, middle and end, and although the overall story will have that, i think each episode needed something more within it to make it worthwhile for those only watching one of them. and NY being in the middle had the toughest part, because it didn't get the hook *or* the wrap.
~Mac is more powerful that Spiderman. You heard it here.
that made me chuckle
~The length suggests female? Depends, Lindsay, your hair is about the same length as Dr. Spencer Reid's...
yeah, i thought that too, lindsay can be so narrowminded!
we did get some good moments that had the subtlety to appeal to long-time fans. (Lindsay talking about the pregnant girl, Flack looking into the operating room, etc.)
yeah, i liked both those bits, you could practically SEE angell on the operating table, it was nice. well, not nice, but a nice touch.
- I don't understand why they need to put the girl on the floor. Anyone smarter than me?
i assumed it was because (a) if they tipped her out onto a table she might fall off and (b, and probably more importantly) there might be decomp juices in there so they'd have to catch that on the green tarp they laid down, so easier to spread it on a floor than try to confine it to a table.
by the way fay, i love your avatar. that bear scene with walter, jesse and ryan cracked me up. "you're safe now, girls." :lol:
yeah, that bit was great
or does the girl who played madeline look like leighton meester? lol.
yeah, i see what you mean actually!
I did watch most of the Miami ep. Briefly: Was okay. Walter's funny. Ryan's still good. Ep was visually very nice, though it'd been awhile that I'd forgotten about their propensity for excessive slow motion stuff and odd musical juxtaposition with montage sequences only 90 seconds apart.
i watched it and i thought it was ok - the dr ray thing made me laugh - a lot, and not with, either. i liked walter, i'd not seen him in this before, he's basically playing the same guy he was in eleventh hour but hey! this was my favourite bit of the entire miami ep, just because it was beautiful (apologies for posting a miami cap in the ny thread...):
I liked that Flack got his Mac on (his words, not mine) :lol:.
yeah, that bit was great, i liked that

i thought mac's reaction to it was quite funny too, he didn't smile much but it was like he was trying to not show he found it funny.
Flack had a helluva choice to make in the face of letting a harvested organ from a victim go into surgery or let a guy die. Included for drama no doubt, but a bit of an odd moment for me. What the hell would you do.
i liked that they put that in, it was nice to see that they wanted the audience to think about it a little bit. ditto hawkes' "chat" with the doctor
The choice of a scrap yard was disturbingly fitting, as the girls were essentially traded and dealt wholesale or for parts and discarded in pieces.
yeah, i liked that too. however i was kind of annoyed that they found what was left of her in the very first trailer they went into. on a scrap yard that big, i mean, really, what were the chances?
that mention of sending his condolences to Catherine about Warrick was a nice touch and subtle hint that Horatio knows the Vegas team.
i agree, i really liked that bit.
as for what i thought - well, i watched miami and ny, and both were, well, ok. it felt a bit forced, like they were trying too hard to do something flashy, when i'd rather have seen a normal ep. i liked ray and mac's interaction, even though it was a little formal - but then i'd expect nothing less. someone earlier said they thought mac was more reserved with ray than horatio, and i agree, horatio was much more friendly in a more obvious way, but would mac be anything but reserved? i don't think he would. he's not exactly the instant buddy type.
i really liked all the aforementioned lines, and there were aspects i enjoyed, namely the basis of the case, the evil bastard driver and the fact he was a mere pawn, and the war memorial scene (i am obviously in a minority on that one! even thought at one point i did catch myself thinking "mac, you're not in church, stop giving sermons!"). but overall i just thought it was a bit, well, dull i guess. like it was trying too hard and it didn't quite work. in terms of the trafficking stuff they've done, i much preferred
she's not there which i thought was very well done. i dunno, i just found i wasn't into it that much, which is a shame because i loved last week's ep and i liked the one before that too, i felt like they were really hitting their stride in this season and then they do this....
so i'm giving it a b-, mainly for effort.
oh and one more thing: i'm so over edna. i realise that in order to prove it was a good exchange rate (one detective written off in exchange for one flashy robot with mood lighting) they have to use it a fair bit but omg, STOP! i'm sick of the damn thing.