Uhh, with a glove maybe? I'm sure there's about 100 more answers to that actually. Is it just me or is Mac's "intriguing" line of questioning getting less and less poignant?
haha, i'm a mac fan but even i thought that, it did seem a little silly!
this will only make sense to uk viewers but hey - i like "nemesis of the week", i will use it, but it makes me want to sing it in the tune of "tv highlight of the week" from harry hill's tv burp. the new series of that starts soon and i doubt i'll be able to watch it without singing "nemesis of the week" :lol: [/ot]
ok, here's what i thought. i actually *really* liked it, i gave it an A. i thought it was the best ep of the season so far, it was kind of intriguing and i liked that they made it quite creepy (maybe the arc will finish around halloween?) - the incidental music and the opening scenes were almost straight from a horror/suspense film, and the bit when they were shining torches in a big forest of plants, in the dark with loads of dust was very creepy and atmospheric. i felt it could perhaps have jogged along a bit faster, but as someone else said, i'm willing to cut some slack and see how the arc develops.
on what's been said before: lindsay/lucy - i nearly choked when she said 10 months. i was like "eh?" it just makes no sense at all *unless* there has been a long gap (a few months) between between blacklist and lat/long, which doesn't really make sense - although it could be feasible because haylen was saying she didn't know if mac remembered her, and he said she'd sent more than 3 resumés (he referred to "the first 3" i believe) AND she'd had time to apply for and get that grant, so it is possible. maybe that was the point of the details in that conversation, to say "hey! it's been a while!" although as has been said, the postmark kind of knocks that idea on the head...
i actually really liked the conversation between mac and haylen - it was obvious that he thought she was some kind of professional stalker but i think he probably liked her persistence and resourcefulness - going and getting a grant so she could take a negative element out of the equation was a pretty savvy thing to do and it's actually the kind of thing i could see mac (or anyone on the team really) doing - y'know, finding a way around a problem. the bit with them at the end was quite funny - it was like she's mac's little helper

, he'll be pulling her out of top hats and sawing her in half soon!
i really liked adam's reaction to haylen being hired (although didn't hawkes say every 2nd week, part time, which is hardly a ringing endorsement, more of a trial) - i could understand his frustration, knowing that he almost lost his job, i think the sooner he knows that she's on a grant and therefore not being paid out of the direct nypd budget, he'll be less defensive. i really like the competition nature of how they work as well - i know we saw it already with adam and kendall but it was nice to see again.
as for flack, that scene with cliff was just great, i really felt for him, he did a great job. it's easy to see that this will tie in with his deterioration, i thought they did it really well. i was also surprised (in a good way) that stella was the one to show concern - after last week it was nice to see. as for what mac said, i don't think he was being uncaring but as has been discussed elsewhere (blacklist i think and mac thread), he's not an outwardly emotional guy and i think he thinks that because he just puts on the brave face and gets through things, everyone else is capable of doing that too. i think he's well aware that something's wrong with flack, but i think either he doesn't want to interfere, or he is too emotionally contained to know what to say (just because he went through something similar doesn't make it so) and also he is so wary of either letting other people see his emotions or getting involved in theirs that he just does what *he* would do: brave face, gritted teeth, just. keep. swimming.