Tim Speedle & Megan Donner #1 - Just One Kiss...


Head of the Day Shift
I'm in a huge S/M mood today! I think I had a dream about them last night.

Anyway. I know lament is a fan of this pairing. I am, too. I think there were a lot of moments that indicated something happened between these two before Meg's husband died. In Just One Kiss, especially, Tim makes reference to how just one kiss can mess things forever. And I thought Kim and Rory had a lot of chem.

So anyone else ship these two?
*screams* Yay!!! A Speed/Megan thread!

Maybe this will inspire me to finish that fic I've been working on for like, a year. :lol:

I loved Speed's comment to Eric in "Golden Parachute," where he gazes at Megan and says, "There's a lot you don't know." That line just screamed torrid affair.
I'm dying to read your fic! I'm working on a E/C piece right now and I think I'm including some S/M.

I love this pairing. I think Megan is the only woman I can ship Speedle with. Their moments were so full of innuendo.
Ok i'm glad i wasn't the only one who noticed he was looking at her boobs. lol. i also thought there was something there. but ijust loved it when speed said to eric. "You know what ur a jackass." lol. i kinda felt bad for speed though being bounced from horatio to megan megan to horatio. ya know what i mean?
I can see Speedle falling for her hard, though. Younger man + older, married woman. Writes itself. Pity Delaney left so quickly. I get the feeling the CSI franchise has always wanted to do a younger man/older woman romance.
Yeah she's a regualr demni moore and ashton kutcher, lol. I think older women younger man would actually be interseting. but as seeing as tim "died." and megan quit we kinda can't have it in the actual show. But fan fic's are awesome!