Zombies RP part2

Re: Zombies II

Grissom smirked "I'm not scared I just need to stay here since no one is at the safe house.So I would have to stay and keep watch cause I have seniority."
Alexis said "Well I guess you do have a point." Alexis rolled her eyes and smiled.
Alexis took out her guns and walked. "Well since you have the best eyes Gil how about you keep your eyes on the road."
Grissom looked at The screen and said "Fine I'll remember that the next time you need one of my teams for shift." Alexis rolled her eyes and waved at Sara to move closer.
Alexis looked over a barrel and saw something moving when she looked closer she saw decomposing flesh. She whispered to Sara. "On the count of three we go and shoot at the barrels in the corner."
Re: Zombies II

"1......2.......3. Shoot." Alexis shot her gus at the barrel and so did Sara. The Barrels exploded and The Zombies came chasing after them. Alexis kept shooting at the zombies til the all of them died. "Well I guess that was one hell of a inferno."
Re: Zombies II

"I guess there's no other way to put it but yes? Grissom you think you can help me out here?" Alexis said with a sigh.
Grissom said "You got yourself into the pun you get yourself out."
Alexis said "well Grissom you have a full length View of the place you think you can scan a map so you can trace us."
Grissom smiled "Of course I'll do that. You two are gonna owe me Dinner."
Alexis said "Don't push it." She saw a ladder and climbed it. "You coming Sara?" She said as she looked down.
Re: Zombies II

"Did you think I wasn't?" Sara asked as she climbed up the ladder, behind Alexis.

((so whats up the ladder newflame?))
Re: Zombies II

Alexis went up the ladder and landed on the roof top."Ummm Sara Make sure your ready we have more action on the rooftops then on the floor." Alexis took out her Guns. "Sara remember save your ammo but beat the crap out of the zombies." Alexis ran and started shooting the zombies.