Zombies RP part2

Re: Zombies II

(or just leaving I think)

As they walked, Mac found himself wishing he and Stella were in California for better reasons. He showed no fear but it was there inside. "So how long a drive is it to where we're going?" he asked casually to the NCIS group. Mostly, he was glad to be walking around a bit. Even a desk vet needed a stretch sometime.
Re: Zombies II

Gibbs shifted his gaze to Mac for a moment. "With the streets as deserted as they are? Twenty minutes give or take from here, my guess," he replied.

It was a moment later when Danny fell back to them and dug around in his pockets for a map. Opening up the paper, he pulled out a pen, pointing out where the airport was and where the compound was. "Twenty.. Twenty-five seems about right, yeah."
Re: Zombies II

"Well, the faster we get there, the faster we kick these things' butts and neutralize 'em." he commented. His look to Stella silently added "and get out of here alive".
Re: Zombies II

Lynn raised an eyebrow at Trevor and Catherine, "Well, let me sum it up for you. Building, Zombies, We were in it. We got out. We going back"
Lindsay and Abby nodded, Abby walked beside Tony, "So.."
Lindsay smirked as she watched Danny, and looked at Flack.
Re: Zombies II

((and a 1 for Sara :)))

"It might be what the how the zombies are becoming... well... zombies." Sara said, she looked at Alexis and Grissom.
Re: Zombies II

"There maybe some Zombies in town too. After all we still haven't looked around the whole area. Think we can clear the place. We need Cath's and Trevor's help." Alexis said.
Grissom looked at Alexis and Sara and said "well I'll stay here and keep taps on both you guys. Here." Grissom throw a mini Camara to both of them. "I can be at both places at once. And be your second pair of eyes. You both have my walkie talk number So call me or I'll call you." Grissom said with a bit of nervousness.
Re: Zombies II

(were abouts are you? cos I need to get Greg back from where ever he was last)
Re: Zombies II

Sara nodded and she hooked on the mini-camera. She was a bit disappointed that she wouldn't be able to talk with Grissom about what happened. "Let's go." Sara said.
Re: Zombies II

"Let's move." Alexis said with Disappointment she wanted to look at Grissom and talk to him But I guess it was for the best after they did fight over Grissom.
"Well I guess we go uptown. Trevor and Cath get Downtown."Alexis said.
Re: Zombies II

"I did hear the words 'blow up zombies.'" Trevor said.

((We're in a city street, where the remains of a crate sit.))
Re: Zombies II

Lynn looked from Trevor and Catherine, "Our friends are trapped, We're going back for them and for" she stopped herself, "something else"