Your Favorite Tim "Speed" Speedle moment

I absolutely LOVED his banter with Eric and I loved the way he worked crime scenes. My favorite episode is definitely Bang Bang Your Debt. It's like he was letting Eric know that he will always be there for him.
My favorite Speed moment is in Season 2, Episode 4. Tim, Calleigh, and Eric are trying to put the evidence in context, and they are having trouble. Eric blurts out something and Speed turns and asks him "You have Tourettes or something?":guffaw:

I love that. It was just so typical of Speed's dry humor.
My favorite Speed moment is in Season 2, Episode 4. Tim, Calleigh, and Eric are trying to put the evidence in context, and they are having trouble. Eric blurts out something and Speed turns and asks him "You have Tourettes or something?":guffaw:
I love that. It was just so typical of Speed's dry humor.
Speed had a number of great one-liners. :drool: But my favorite scenes are the 2 in "wannabe"; in the elevator and the closing scene.

Delko: The emergency room is not the medical examiners!
Speed: You got tourettes or something?


One of my favourite scenes is in 'Invasion' when Calleigh's bugging him about the upper lip edging of the ski-mask that was found at the crime scene and Speed gets all grumpy because he had done it before. Then he's clearly amused with her because he gives a big smirk and makes fun of her, saying "Now what do I do?" One of those classic moments. :D
I like the one where he and Calleigh are talking to that woman about some guy who died after meeting with her for a movie on the beach or something.

Woman: Do you have any sodas?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: We do too have soda. You just lied to her.

Speed: Well, she's been lying to us all day.

Speed was the King of the One Liners. I miss him. I like Ryan, but nobody could ever take Speed's place *Sigh*:(
Don't forget the one from Spring Break :lol:

Speed: Oh, you got a permit.
Ted: Yeah, that's right, from Parks and Rec.
Speed: Well, I'm going to let you tell that to the family of the girl that got murdered here last night.
Ted: Whoa, hold on.
Speed: I'm going to let you tell them that we can't process this crime scene because you have a permit for a party.
Ted: You misunderstood me.
Speed: Then I'm going to arrest your cheap tequila-pushing ass and have you spend a night in lock-up with all the drunk and disorderlies and you can smell the vomit of the fraternity boys.
Ted: You know what? Maybe I, I should wait until you're finished.
Speed: That's a capital idea, Ted.

I love that scene :D
My favourite Tim moment is in "Blood Moon" when Melanie Hines asked if she could get another soda and Tim said "We're fresh out." and Calleigh said "We do so have soda you just lied." and he finished by saying "Well she's been lying to us all day.":thumbsup:

Classic Tim.:guffaw:
All those Speed moments are great,
but my favorite one is from season one.
In the first part of Tinder box.
It's the first and only time you see him
and eric hanging out together,
and I love it when the fire started he grabbed
hold of his dates hand and didn't let go of
her until he got her out of the building before he
went back in.

It was the only time we saw him be a hero!!
I liked the contrast he was with Calleigh: he was darkness and she pure light, even in manners.
I miss the friendship there was with Eric and Cal, it always gave the idea that the episode hadn't finished you could go out and find them hanging out together in a club like good friends do.:)
The last episode he was in... "Lost Son"... at the beginning... when Horatio is telling Eric and Speed thanks for cutting their vacation short. I understand that now... I liked that for some reason. Probably the whole episode, through out the centric of Speed... hot guys is short-sleeve shirts and shorts... give me more!

Or that other on in "Kill Zone", when Eric hangs up on Marisol (yup). Tim wonders who Eric is talking to, and they talk. That was just priceless.

Oh, and then that other time.. Slaughter House, I think.. if that's an episode. When Tim and Eric talk about brother's and sisters. That was an awesome scene.

Moments frozen in time. RIP Speed... RORY COCHRANE NEEDS TO COME BACK! I liked Speed... some...
Any moment that had Speed in it was my favorite except when he gets killed. I will not under any circumstance watch that scene. After he tells Horatio, "I've got the rest of my life for that" when they're talking about cars with doors since Speed was riding a motorbike, I turn it!
My favorite moment is season 2, episode 5. When Eric and Speed are in the club and Speed is talking about the club and how you go there when the doorman turns you down everywhere else and Eric replies, "Oh, so this is your hangout, Speed." Hilarious. I have others, but I wanted to just post that one.