Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI NY!


Well, since i always have CSI Miami dreams, i've decided to post this, but for every fan of every CSI branch off of course. I guess i'll start.
Horatio and Me were starting on the case of which a woman fell out of the 20th story of a building. She was a training for some dancing championship. (cheesy i know, but romantic.) It seemed that Horatio and me had already established a relationship; don't ask me how. But it seemed we could kiss shortly without hesitation. *snicker* So we're processing the scene when I turned on the sound system which started playng the vic's and her partners music. It started off with the song 'Carmen, opera-comique in 4 acts: Habanera by Geogres Bizet'. Then here's a bit of convo i remembered out of the dream:

*music started* Horatio extends a hand and says "In the mean time, care to dance?" I hesitate then take his hand and say "Your going to dip me aren't you?" And he replies "how did you know?" And i say smartly "you took off your glasses."

Then Horatio smiled his famous smile. Then we danced, our bodies fused together in the tango for 2 minutes and 7 seconds. And on the last beat of the song he dipped me and we kissed, me hanging onto him so i wouldn't fall.

Then there was something where there was evidence haning of the balcony, and he had to grab my hips so i wouldn't fall. I forget that part.
But that's all i remember. *nervous laugh* What about you guys? Care to share?
I don't see a problem with sharing CSI-related dreams so long as they remain PG-13. The first person to step over that line will get the thread closed. Don't come right out and say it, and don't imply it. If you have a dream that goes over PG-13, this isn't the forum to talk about it.

Now, with that in mind, please feel free to share your (appropriate) dreams. ;)
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

oh i had a really weird one a few months ago, still remember bits of it.

i had been kidnapped by a brainwashing cult. and they were holding us captive at the skydome (i think its called the rogers center now, its a football stadium in toronto) they put us in cages. i wasnt brainwashed but i had to pretend to be so these people wouldnt hurt me. while we were walking through the stadium someone grabbed me and pulled me aside. it was nick stokes! he said he was going to save me and then we started making out. woke up before any non-pg13 stuff happened :( :lol:
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Wait...was he wearing a cape? :lol: I'm kidding allmaple.

No problem Faylinn. (was my dream over PG-13?)
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

You have very interesting dreams.... I must have had one at some time but I always forget them. I think I woke up one morning (my mum woke me) and grumbled why couldn't grissom have given her something better to do than wake me... (sleeping on the job, oops)
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

No problem Faylinn. (was my dream over PG-13?)
Nope, I just know how naughty some of our regulars can be sometimes. ;) It seemed better to say it before the frisky bunnies came into the thread. :lol:

I had a dream once that involved me and several of the NY team members on a road trip from NY to Florida. It actually made a lot of sense, which surprised me, and I can still remember it vividly.

I should probably forgive Danny for stealing my snacks when I was driving, though. I think it's been long enough, and he's learned his lesson. :lol:
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had one not too long ago about Grissom saying he didn't love Sara, he loved me...*giggle* I'll take it LOLOL...

oooooh I like yours, I'd love to roadtrip with them *g*
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Faylinn said:
No problem Faylinn. (was my dream over PG-13?)
Nope, I just know how naughty some of our regulars can be sometimes. ;)

Well i'm not just a reqular yet, but i hope to be.

I should probably forgive Danny for stealing my snacks when I was driving, though. I think it's been long enough, and he's learned his lesson.
:lol: Nice one.

Here's a question, who here dreams in color?
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I think I do but I'm not entirely sure
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I do. I know that 100%. I also remember loading a red bullet into a rifle. But i've had a couple dreams in black and white though.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Most of my dreams are in color, but they're really dark or else I have some other trouble seeing...maybe it has to do with me being paranoid about going blind. :(

My road-trip dream, however, was very realistically colored and I don't recall having vision problems in that one. ;)

oooooh I like yours, I'd love to roadtrip with them *g*
Oh, don't be so sure. Danny and Don in the car with you all day long? *headdesk* Oh, the bickering (and the snack-stealing). *sigh* Men. :p

You know, I wish it had been a romantic dream. I never seem to have those. No, instead I get Danny and Don annoying the crap out of me. But Lindsay and I played a nice little practical joke on them, so that was alright. :devil: (seriously, how do I still remember this dream months later?)

Well i'm not just a reqular yet, but i hope to be.
;) Sounds good to me.
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I had a dream the other night that Ryan, Delko, and I were rooming in the same house for some reason. And I just happened to walk by Ryan's room and see him with his shirt off, and he looked really good! Silhouette's sexy santa icon must be doing a number on me :devil: .
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

Oh, don't be so sure. Danny and Don in the car with you all day long? *headdesk* Oh, the bickering (and the snack-stealing). *sigh* Men. :p

You know, I wish it had been a romantic dream. I never seem to have those. No, instead I get Danny and Don annoying the crap out of me. But Lindsay and I played a nice little practical joke on them, so that was alright. :devil: (seriously, how do I still remember this dream months later?)

LOLOL...I'd probably be too busy hitting on Mac to notice. *pictures Stella or Peyton asking if they can leave me someewhere so they can have Mac back*
Re: Your CSI Dreams (Or daydreams). CSI, CSI Miami, and CSI

I often daydream about CSI, especially Grissom.. but back when CSI was just starting out.. I think it was about second season.. I had a dream that I was in the lab with Nick, and he was wearing Spongebob Pajamas. We were just running around the halls.. but it was very strange :lol: I don't think I've ever had a Nick dream since!