Your CSI dream team


Of all the CSI series who do you like the best, character/skills. I want reasons for why you chose each one.

I'll post mine later
Greg:His funny wit and stand-out-from the croud style

Grissom:His smart and annoying personality

Catherine:She is tough and has a personal life

Sara:She somehow keeps the team together by being the "unsatible" one

Nick:He knows when to have fun and when to get to work

Warrick:He can help people out with whatever problem they have by just being him.

Brass:He can be sarcastic,witty,funny and gets to the point

Sophia:She is the complainer whiney one and thats whats cool about her

Mia:She has an attitude but is sophisticated

Hodges:He is just annoying and some how loveable

SO really, i wouldnt change anything about the original CSI i like it just the way it is (and i dont watch Miami or NY) :D But that is why i like the original cast.
You can use people from all three CSI series.

One more thing you can only use the same numbers on one team,

1, ME

1, COP

1, lead CSI

3, supporting CSI's (Sara,Calleigh,Nick,Warrick,etc.)
Oooh I like this :) ok here's my list

Me- Sheldon

Cop- Brass

Lead CSI- Has to be Horatio

Supporting CSI's- Delko, Speed, Sara, Nick, Warrick
i would say my fav csi has got to be Mac Taylor.- because he's not like any other character on any csi to date. he's really kind of moody and mysterious, and yet if i knew he was on a case involving somebody i know i would feel safe knowing he's around
ME - Doc Robbins

Cop - Brass

Lead CSI - Grissom

Supporting CSI's - Danny, Nick, Greg

Why? Cause Doc Robbins is the coolest ME ever, Brass is one of the coolest cops ever, I wanna be just like Grissom when I grow up, and Danny, Nick, and Greg are all so hott!!! :D :D :D
Lead CSI: Grissom
Supporting CSI's: Sara, Greg, Calleigh, Speedle, Danny, Aiden (a lot). Now Speedle is dead, I'd put Mac Taylor in his place.

Cop: Brass
ME: Dr. Hawkes
i'd like to see all the younger CSIs on a team:
Sara, Nick (leader), Warrick, Greg, Danny, Aiden, Flack, Ryan, Calleigh,Delko, and Sophia

then all the older CSIs together:
Grissom (leader), Catherine, Brass, Mac, Stella, Yelina,and Horatio.
ME - Doc Robbins (unless I can get Ducky from NCIS!). I haven't seen NY, so my choice between Al and Alexx is pretty easy. Besides, with H as my lead CSI, I need a lot of objective, less-emotional colleagues for balance!

Lead CSI - Horatio. There's no explaining this. I just prefer him. I guess when it comes to science v. justice, I go for justice.

Cop - Brass. This man rocks my world. But I'd like to have Frank Tripp as backup.

Supporting CSIs - Calleigh, Warrick, Delko, Sanders (either as CSI or in the lab). Calleigh is the only woman in both casts that doesn't grate on my last nerve. Warrick is there for intelligence as well as for The Pretty. ;) Delko's a sweetie and I want him in my dream team in order to finally figure out what's up with him. And Greggo... ya gotta love the Greggo!
ME--Alexx. I like her style instead of the quirkier, somewhat less reverent styles of Doc Robbins and Hawkes.

COP--Flack. IMO, the most under-used character on the show.

Lead CSI--Grissom. He's my idol.

Supporting People: Sara (Computer Knowledge), Calleigh (Firearms), and Warrick (Photography).

Great topic!
COP- Brass

Lead CSI- Grissom

Supporting CSI's- Sara, Catherine, Nick

Maybe switch Catherine and Grissom.