You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When... [#2]

My Mum seems to have gotten to that stage now where she doesn't even bother asking, she just assumes that I'm watching it. Don't think she's too happy that my little sister now seems to love it to.

Yeah think I'll end up paying for that somewhere along the line.
You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...

You have to reapeat the part where Danny says " Rat Bastard " in season one and it's funny and repeating it out loud.
you spill something on your shirt and forget about it and it dries and then when you look down and notice it later, you complain about the "trace" on your shirt and your brother looks at you like you're insane :D
you stay in a seedy hotel where you find hairs on the bathroom floor, suspicious stains on the shower curtain and in the bathtub and another hair on the towel you're supposed to dry yourself off with and immediately assume something bad went down in the room you're staying in. you get a little excited that you could be staying in a former crime scene, but when you leave, put on your winter gloves and run them over every surface you touched to remove your prints, just in case it becomes a crime scene later on and you don't want to be suspected.
you sign up to take a biology class, even though you swore when you became a vegetarian that you'd never dissect anything, just in case it turns out you really like biology and want to major in Forensic Science.
you're getting an ulcer worrying about whether CSI:NY is renewed or not, and you spent hours searching for opinions and are considering getting news alerts sent to your phone so that when it gets renewed, you know as soon as it happens.
when taking an exam that requires a shrink-wrapped cover or a ziplock bag, you remove the shrink wrap or put the exam back into the zip-lock bag and get the sudden urge to hand it to the person behind you and say "get this to Trace, please"
you cant stop talking about and it annoys your mom and you have to buy every season on dvd just so you can have droolidge over Danny and i think DannysGirl would agree
you've stayed up past 3 am watching reruns of CSI:NY when you have work in the morning just because they're there.
your CSI:NY DVD sets are your prized posessions.
you'd save said DVDs in a fire over a family member/pet/both
... when you watch 'Percy jackson and the lightning thief' and say outloud "Omg! Stella's a greek goddess, wait 'til Mac finds out" then realise Mac wont find out becuase Stella's leaving and probably wont have the chance to tell him. ;)
i sat through that ENTIRE MOVIE waiting for the giant stella scene (cuz they put her name in the credits, made her sound like a major part) and at the end, hear her speak her, what 11 words? and when that was it, actually screamed at the tv, "I SAT THROUGH 2 HOURS OF THAT FOR 11 WORDS?????" and then "SHE LEFT CSI:NY FOR THAT???" and spent the rest of the night glowering at the tv.
you can connect almost anything in any conversation to a CSI:NY episode

"Well, one way or another, everything's connected." As said by Mac Taylor in the season 2 CSI: Miami episode MIA/NYC non-stop.

You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You have a nice house but you'd like to live in a small apartment in an apartment building with 20 or more in New York.

You Know You Watch Too Much CSI: NY When...
You watch the same CSI: NY episodes so much on ON DEMAND that everyone in the house but you gets tired of seeing and hearing them. [GUILTY!!!]:alienblush:
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