Yo Bling: Warrick teaches Catherine how to tango.



She could dance half naked without missing a beat and she could dance around a pole with ease, but for the love of God she couldn’t master the two step! Warrick winced as once again his poor toes were smashed by those goddamned heels of hers. “Okay okay, let’s try this again,” he said blinking furiously at the tears in his eyes, this wasn’t working at all. “Take off those shoes.”
Catherine plopped down on the couch obviously frustrated, “Maybe we should just forget it. I can’t do this.” She untied the boots and tossed them to the floor with a loud thud.
“Catherine, you’re the one that wanted to learn how to tango, don’t get mad at me.” Warrick said joining her on the couch rubbing her back, “It will be easier at first without your shoes.”
“Wish you coulda told me an hour ago.”
“I meant easier for me, those things were killing my feet.”
She smiled and nudged him with her elbow, “They’re off okay?” Catherine stood up and got into stance waiting for him to join her, “Well?” She grabbed his arm and pulled him up against her, “Okay...”
His fingers closed over her hand his other hand brushed against her waist, her fingers laced with his and her other hand rested on his shoulder, she waited for his next move. He spun her slowly out then back in he led her back one, two three steps before turning, her forehead was wrinkled her eyes on the floor in what seemed to be deep concentration. He couldn’t blame her the dance was rather hard to do backwards, “Look at me,” Warrick smiled when their eyes met, “You have to trust me for this to work.” His grip on her waist tightened he felt for a moment he wasn’t just talking about the tango, “We have to trust each other.”
She nodded, but out of habit her eyes moved to look down at her feet then stopped, it was a strain to keep her eyes on his. Catherine relaxed, Trust him. Let him guide you... She let out a small sigh feeling him wince as she stepped on his foot again. ‘Sorry,’ she mouthed.
Warrick’s hand let go of her waist and lifted her chin up so she would look into his eyes again. And this time they made it through a successful turn, he could tell she was excited because her steps quickened she wanted try something else, a spin, Catherine let go of his shoulder and spun out on her own the way he had taught her. Her long hair spilled over her right shoulder in the movement her pink lips turned up in a satisfied grin she spun back against him but she surprised him when she turned in Catherine wrapped her leg up around his waist, an advanced move, he smirked and dipped her. His face was against her chest, his arm wrapped around her back and his other hand at her neck, holding her up.
When she was back on her feet Catherine’s blue eyes were wide with excitement, “That was so amazing,” she said and kissed him hard on the mouth.
Warrick returned the kiss. Perhaps something happened today, she learned that she could trust him in their new life together. Or perhaps it was something as innocent as a tango lesson.
