Without A Trace *May Contain Spoilers*

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Still Sanity Challenged!
Premium Member
Okay lost my last one in here lol.. So who likes it and who liked the season premiere.

I thought the premiere was strange i am use to seeing Jack in charge and when Viv put the girl on the phone and she lost it i was like Jack wouldn't have..... Rats jack isn't there..
And His wife how uncool was that i mean common, pulling that at the end of last season was mean but to pull the crude we learn this season thats just so uncool.
Re: Without A Trace

Too much TV rots your brain!

After Any CSI i cant stay in front of tha TV anymore.....
Re: Without A Trace

this is why DVD and VCR's are popular, i tape all the eps then watch them. :D

The only thing about WAT i didn't care for was Martin and Samantha getting together like that... talk about keeping it in the work place.. First Jack and now martin the only difference is that Martin isn't married or separated.

Other then that i think WAT has been doing really well.
Re: Without A Trace

DVD and VHS is always good...no god forsaken commericals...its soo sad the epsiode is really only 44mins long..tho i gotta sit there an hour.
Tho, same thing goes with DVD and VHS will rot your brain
Re: Without A Trace

lol sound like my aunt but then again like i tell her it might rot the brain but what a way for it to go :D :lol:
Re: Without A Trace

I watched a few episodes last year and, though they were fairly good, procedural, episodic shows very rarely are able to hold my attention. I tried to follow the season for a short while, then ended up giving up when I had other concerns to take care of that took precedence over a TV show.
Re: Without A Trace

I sound always older than i am.....its the trooth tho, as for sounded like your aunt...she sounds like a very smart women
Re: Without A Trace

Posted by JMP:
I sound always older than i am.....its the trooth tho, as for sounded like your aunt...she sounds like a very smart women

lol i am sure your smart and mature, as to my aunt were still debating that :D
She also believes were all gonna burn in hell blah blah, just for watching the shows :lol:

I like the fact that WAT Does the "Have you seen this real life missing person?" use to be at the end of the episodes but then it turned around and now they put it in the middle of the show, i think because people would change channels when the ending credit starts (like when it fades to black).
Re: Without A Trace

I watched it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I have to say I liked it.
Re: Without A Trace

Im thinking of Switching from ER To WAT. I started losing intrest in ER When Mark Green Died But I Still Like Carter.
Re: Without A Trace

Posted by Calleigh_Caine:
Im thinking of Switching from ER To WAT. I started losing intrest in ER When Mark Green Died But I Still Like Carter.

i watched er when it frist came on, but after people started leaving and coming and leaving and switching i just gave up to much to keep up with lol.
As to Carter i would get as much of him as you can from what i understand Noah is leaving the show.. i will get you the addy of where i read it at for you or those who don't know...
Yahoo News Report: Wyle Ready for "ER" Discharge?
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