William Petersen Talks About The Seventh Season Of ‘CSI’

CSI Files

With the seventh season of CSI premiering in Spain, the show’s star <font color=yellow>William Petersen</font> discusses the relationship between Grissom and Sara (<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font>), his character and the fear he feels heading into the new season.

In Petersen’s eyes, Grissom and Sara have had a special relationship since the series began, although they undertook it privately. It existed as a student-mentor bond, a mutual respect that has with time evolved into a strong physical attraction. “Personally, I am not interested in the lives of these characters. I am more interested in their jobs, but I understand the audience can be interested,” says Petersen.

For Grissom, Petersen explains, “The work is the most important thing in his life and for people who don’t think the same way, his decisions can be strange.” Until now we may have thought Grissom was ruled solely by his mind, but Petersen points out that Grissom in human and ends up guiding himself by the heart.

Going into the seventh season, Petersen confesses, “It gives me more fear than when I filmed the first delivery. I have more responsibility to the public now. We try not to bore the millions of viewers who look to us for something different.”

This interview appears in the Spanish television magazine Laquia TV. The English translation used in this article is courtesy of Spanishfan at <A class="link" HREF=http://www.yourtaxdollarsatwork.org>Your Tax Dollars at Work</a>.<center></center>
Alex said:
I leave the scan of the magazine La Guia TV of spain with the interview William Pertersen.

The scan are of Noealonso.

Scan 1

Scan 2

Scan 3

Scan 4

Thank's Alex nice shots ;). and this is so not news to all the GSR fans, who've always known what he finally has confirmed..{what took you so long?} not beating around the bush anymore, and wondering what's going on.. to the fans, who thought otherwise.. thank's WP :p
CSI_Files said:
“Personally, I am not interested in the lives of these characters. I am more interested in their jobs...”
I personally hope this would shut up those who claim Mr. Petersen wants, or has wanted a relationship between Grissom and *insert character name*. Apparently he isn't into any relationship on the show at all. :D
You bear in mind, that this this interview related with the premiere of the sixth season, it does not have anything to see with the seventh season, though it names anything. :)
Alex said:
You bear in mind, that this this interview related with the premiere of the sixth season, it does not have anything to see with the seventh season, though it names anything. :)
Oh but I thought it was about season 7, at least it's what's written in the article above. And I think no matter what season this interview is related to, it doesn't change the fact that he said what he said in the interview. My statement applies to all shippers, not just one particular group. I just hope people would stop dragging the actors into arguments about ships while TPTB are the ones making decisions.
I was glad to see WP finally talking about how he dislikes going into the relationships of characters on the show. That was always what he said at the beginning of the show - that it was about science. I'm glad to see he's still on that bandwagon.
Well, compare this with the *other* "WP talks about Season 7 article" in this forum... obviously either WP can't get his facts straight from one interview to the next, or one of these articles is using an older interview.

Since this article was found in a foreign magazine and we have no idea about where the information was obtained, since I doubt WP showed up at the Laquia TV offices and offered to give them an interview... and since the WP quotes sound suspiciously similar to a previous interview published in the US long before Season 7 was planned (although if the person who twigged to this could link to the source, it'd make this easier to determine)... and since the other article with WP supporting GSR while talking about the seventh season is also in line with at least three other articles (the two TV Guide articles and the interview with Maureen Ryan on Chicago Tribune's blog) that have been published this season... until further proof is obtained, I believe it's reasonable for me to conclude that this particular article has a greater chance of being inaccurate with regards to WP's current feelings towards certain aspects of the show.

However, for the amusement of argument, let's say that both TV Guide and Maureen Ryan somehow managed a collective hallucinagory experience and in fact this article is the 100% accurate one. So what? I personally couldn't care less if WP hates GSR right down to his toenails; he's getting paid good money to do this, and he not only had the option but also the clout to storm and rage and ultimately quit if it really bothered him that much. Apparently it doesn't. I doubt he's going home and getting all The Crying Game in the shower because those mean, mean PTB made Jorja Fox shave his beard.

And before any of us get pissed at WP for giving out "false information" a year ago or "misleading people" or whatever complaints people will think of next, let's keep in mind that the guy is human, he's allowed to change his mind from one year to the next, and he's allowed to toe the party line for work (since we all do it sooner or later), if that is in fact what he's doing. As I explained above, it is not irrational to assume for now that the interviews where he supports the GSR are in fact the more up-to-date and more accurate ones.
I wouldn't consider any interview that has Mr. Petersen or any other actor saying they like a relationship between *insert names* accurate because I think it's their job to promote the show and while doing that, to go along with the direction the show is going. We never know whether they really like the idea behind the scenes or not. I'd take “Personally, I am not interested in the lives of these characters. I am more interested in their jobs...” on other comments regarding ships because of the word personally. He was basically saying he wasn't into any personal issues on the show, but he'd do that for viewers' interest. Somehow I think this is more convincing than his past pro-G/LH, pro-G/C and current pro-GSR comments and explains why his comments seem to always go with the flow of the show.

And no one is blaming Mr. Petersen for telling his opinions, at least not me. I was trying to express my frustration on seeing shippers (and I repeat, not just one group but all major shipper groups) argue over ships with quotes from the actors and use them to attack people while the real accuracy of those comments is actually doubtful. Also, the actors seem to have both supportive and not-so-supportive comments on the same ships and eat their own words all the time.

But yeah, that's JMO.
I am going to try to explain a bit the interview.

To do an interview to an actor, not necessarily the actor has to move, there is correspondents and a great scale of means to be able to do an interview. The interview is signed by Maria Márquez.

First, the interview is of the sixth season, which has just begun in Spain. But also it treats other more general topics. Because of it same I say, that he does not speak about a concrete situation. When he speaks about the relation that Grissom supports with Sara, he does it in general.

Also he comments on some things by the end of to the serie, only he says that he sees finally fence. And of the seventh season, he comments on the change that has exist in the series, which now there see topics more peronales of your lives and, on her absence during three or four episodes.

Forgive if she does not understand himself a little or I do not explain well, for the difference of language. :)
Alex the interview is of the sixth season, which has just begun in Spain.
Ah, I didn't realize that Spain was a season behind. That might help explain some of the discrepancies. Thanks!

EricaSJ I was trying to express my frustration on seeing shippers (and I repeat, not just one group but all major shipper groups) argue over ships with quotes from the actors and use them to attack people while the real accuracy of those comments is actually doubtful. Also, the actors seem to have both supportive and not-so-supportive comments on the same ships and eat their own words all the time.
You and I might see differently on GSR, Erica, but with regards to this I think we're definitely on the same page. Interviews can be manipulated in many ways to make them come out the way the interviewer wants; I remember complaints from stars in the past regarding how their words were twisted around to mean something that they didn't mean... or just plain misinterpreted. Transcribed interviews might be more accurate that way... but again, like you pointed out, that doesn't mean the actor/actress was telling the whole truth in the interview anyway.

And really, what does an actor's attitude towards a storyline have to do with whether or not that storyline is good? These people are presumably getting paid - and typically a hell of a lot more than anything people like you and me are bringing down - to sublimate their own personality and points-of-view to play those of their characters, aren't they? How do their opinions of the storyline they're playing have anything to do with whether or not that storyline is a good one? Let me take a common example: we've all heard how George Eads put the kibosh on any more fallout from GD for Nick because he didn't want to go any further in that direction as a character... and while I respect the heck out of GE as an actor and what he's done with Nick, I don't think many people would argue that his opinion of GD-aftermath injected a note of unbelievability in what was otherwise a fascinating character arc. Nick should have had more emotional fallout after an ordeal like that; it didn't make psychological sense that he could just swallow a few times and move on. Even if he'd only mention at some point all the therapy he's gone through to get to a good place, at least I'd feel like some writer tried to address it.

But back to this example: I'm more inclined to think that the plethora of interviews with WP supporting the ship this season - which are fairly in-depth, often transcribed, and talk about behind the set things that were said and done - are probably a more accurate indication of his current attitudes, even if that means he must have changed his mind from attitudes he's held in the past. But your argument sounds reasonable too, and I can see where you're coming from.
we've all heard how George Eads put the kibosh on any more fallout from GD for Nick because he didn't want to go any further in that direction as a character...

whoa! I didn't know that...good grief, that is a terrible idea, GE is way off the mark...
Interviews can be manipulated in many ways to make them come out the way the interviewer wants; I remember complaints from stars in the past regarding how their words were twisted around to mean something that they didn't mean... or just plain misinterpreted
about that, i TOTALLY agree. and i can say that from my own experience. i've been interviewed by a couple newspapers/magazines in my life, and some things that got printed were so twisted it's crazy. so i'm not even going to say anything about interviews that need to get translated, lol.

i'm not saying that this whole article is BS, but i wouldn't really pay much attention to it, since it's also about S6 and we have no idea where is it from really.
I wouldn't consider any interview that has Mr. Petersen or any other actor saying they like a relationship between *insert names* accurate because I think it's their job to promote the show and while doing that, to go along with the direction the show is going.

And... this isn't an interview that would demand the same thing? If you're going to say that words are pre-packaged in interviews, you can't "decide" that one is more accurate than another simply because it says what you want it to.