William/Grissom Perfect Pics #8

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Boo to you, PLG! I can't get the link to work! Is it good brooding? Should I be drooling??

Not sure about the goatee thing, Rocky... may have to spend a few moments just staring, to see if it grows on me. No pun inteneded! :D
Yeah, plg your pic said 'forbidden' :( and this is again form a couple of week's ago, and how he look's now, so I'm still wondering if he's going to be in S/8. with the 'grey hair'? which is very debonair

THAT GRIN wished he'd scratch my head
I like him with that hat on :D he looks so cute. Thanks for posting that pic Desert and his smirky grin is quite hot. ;) The goatee isn't that bad, it's a good medium, but, I still kinda prefer him with a beard. :p I'm happy with either though. ;) Man it feels like I haven't been on here for a while, sorry for rambling guys! :D
Your welcome Lemon he just drips with charm..
so look at my avatar, and now see if you want him with a beard..like this :( NOT!!

So, I haven't been on here in forever...literally and I really missed all of that Billy hotness!! :devil:

Anyway, for the people who are talking about 'Hard Promises' there was no question as to who she should've picked...ugh.
holy smack! i just spend the last hour catching up on like 10 pages of billy pics! thanks for sharing guys! i cant believe i stayed away for so long from seeing billy!!! *hangs head in shame*
The hat may be grim, windy, but look at that cute little grin!

I may have to do something cheeky with it to make an avi/icon thingy... :devil:
britfan I must say I'm LOVIN your icon there :D ;)

Great pic of Billy clean-shaven too. His eyes are just *so blue*
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