William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

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You know, I was thinking the same thing. Has he been working out cause he's looking good:drool:...not that he didn't before, but he looks to be in pretty good shape by those pics.:)
Thank's everyone and Rocky yummy:drool: can you imagine seeing him walking out of a grocery store, what would you all do?:lol:and nice to see you back ren4e don't stay away so long:( he does look incredible it's those good Danish genes:thumbsup:

Hey everyone, I've been away too long. But I had to stop by and say those recent picutres of Billy are wonderful. He looks like a 'regular guy'.
I wonder what he bought ? :lol:
Love all the pics of Billy. He looks so delicious, it's hard to believe that he's 55. Definitely a SAGO.
He just makes me want to tackle him...lol!!!!
:drool: Hot pic Des :thumbsup:thanks

Billy Shopping and Shopping:drool:
OMG unbelievably gorgeous!! Those muscles?:drool: The beard :drool: the shades:drool: the legs:drool: the totally package:drool:

Mind you looks like take out in the bag that or a small frying pan! If that is the case it will be back to chubby cheeks:guffaw:He'll still be gorgeous!

and hhunter
But I had to stop by and say those recent picutres of Billy are wonderful. He looks like a 'regular guy'.
Wow what kinda regular guys do you know that look like that:eek:??
I'd have dropped my shopping if I'd seen him....and felt just such a blob compared to all the beautiful people he will know...:(
Hey desertwind I have a issue with your avatar.... it is seriously too hot for the internet!!!


Do you have a full size version somewhere for saddos like me to keep in their collection in my ..../CSI/drool/ directory. Seriously that is what it is called!
Rocket your so funny:lol: I nailed this from a web-site, [I have so many] that I can't even remember, there's so many, but here's one that has loads of him, if you want to download it, just go to avatars~


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Beard is still there in the shopping pics.... phew! Dreading seeing new ones with it gone! And.. good ol' sandals again too!
I loved the first few seasons without a beard, and then I loved the beard, but I didn't like him beardless when he shaved, so I was so happy when he grew it back. I just hope it stays for season 9.
I feel the same loved him without and really loved him with it , then got used to it again without, but he definately look's SEXY and so hunky and masculine with it
notice avatar!

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