^O_Ooooo SEXY Beautiful, sexy, drool worthy pictures! THANKS for sharing, Queen of Pixels!!
I'm a huuuuge sucker for the turned up collar one; I ADORE that picture...it's just classy, sophisticated, sexy and absolutely shows off his amazing photogenicity
Thakn you thank you for making my night!
Rocky: WOW...Thank you for the gorgeous drool worthy pictures
Billy, like Jorja and heck, the rest of the cast, is SO photogenic; I don't think there is such a thing as a bad picture of Billy. The first has to be my favourite; I think it's from "This Old Cub" interview...Very very gorgeous.
Thanks so much!
Rocky11: That 2nd one...OH. WOW. I absolutely love it when he looks all intense like that; just so focused and so confident...makes him that much more sexy
Thanks for sharing