William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

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Here's a couple of caps. I found from way back, up to now beardless, also beautiful






I wasn't complaining about his weight, I was just saying probably would never be the same size again that he was in Hard Promises or one of his earlier movies. Which by the way his a good thing because I think his body build right now is perfect. Plus, I actually more of a fan of the "ChunkyBilly" myself.
I gotta say, even though the best thing is a very healthy looking Billy (as he is now!), I love the chunky Billy a lot :D What can I say! I love ScruffyBilly, GrizzlyBilly, ChunkyBilly, it's just how I am! LOL.
Me too!

This yummy look is hard to beat! And that is without makeup or lights! Like the one of him in the tight Tee shirt gone shopping! One of my favs.
I love those pics, so sweet.

Did you see that interview he did a little while back - when CSI won that award for the dog fighting episode?

Billy's talking bout Bruno and how they got him (rescued). And he says about Bruno: 'He's my angel'. How cute is that! He sees his big ole' slobbering boxer as his angel :D
GameFace I did see the video , and I believe it's featured on the WPAP site, he's passionate about this, good for him, and Bruno.. good boy:thumbsup:

BILLY AND FRIENDS I would assume these, the kitties are adopted!
utterly gorgeous! Seriously, the guy is just a dream.

I'll dig out some pics tomorrow :) Been out today in Liverpool, just got back an hour ago!
still here! Sorry, got some pics to post, but not got round it.

I do nip in once in a while, but to be honest, I'm kinda sick of this forum (not the Billy threads, or the people on the Billy threads, which have always been very cool), just the rest of it.
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