William/Grissom Perfect 10 Picture thread!

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Tried that Adz - still dosen't show HTML properly for me. When I try and do a <a href = .... link, it just shows up as text.

And to get this back on topic, here's a lovely pic of Billy from 'Formalities' :thumbsup:
Pm me and let me know what type of link you are trying to do, and what you are trying to link.
Are you trying to do a URL link to a pic, a link from a cap to a bigger pic, If you pm me the details we can deal with it that way. And this way this stays on topic. ;)
From "SLL" S/1, that sly grin:drool:

season 1 4ever!!! :D
i really like him much more then now :)
thanks everyone for those wonderful pics!!!
so when we'll be the next episode? september?
thanks, desertwind! :) i am around i just don't have much time for posting ;)
there is a looooooot of time till september :( but I can at least continue watching the old seasons! :)
the profile pic is great! and the third one.... :D welll..... he is a man! :D
I have an idea that can bring the thread back to life!
We can make a picture top 10 in different categories. For example top 10 Grissom with(without) beard, top 10 BP's early years, top 10 GSR.... and so on! we say the category, then everyone is posting their favourite pics and when we have enough photos we can vote :)
may be you will not like the idea, but it's just a suggestion :)
What a piece of work is a man,
how noble in reason,
how infinite in faculties,
in form and moving how express and admirable,
in action how like an angel,
in apprehension how like a god!
the beauty of the world,
the paragon of animals..............

Describe anyone we know?!!!:):):) :)
I have an idea that can bring the thread back to life!
We can make a picture top 10 in different categories. For example top 10 Grissom with(without) beard, top 10 BP's early years, top 10 GSR.... and so on! we say the category, then everyone is posting their favourite pics and when we have enough photos we can vote :)
may be you will not like the idea, but it's just a suggestion :)

I like your idea.:) What about a category, Best photo of WP in his thirties, fourties and in his fifties ?
That's a superb idea ren4e I don't know about 10, but I'll look for some. To start here's a couple of him from childhood, a teenager and young adult:thumbsup:

ahh, little Billy!

TEENAGE BILLY skinny Billy:wtf:

and as always, those incredible beautiful eyes:drool:
HELLOOO, where are all the Billy fans? and the idea of his top ten photos? I did my part:thumbsup:come on girls!


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